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Two Thousand Thirteen. You were good to me. Even when you were bad, you were good. I cannot believe another years has passed. It's a total cliche thing to say, but time flies, it always wins, it can be a son of a bitch. But not always. Time can be good, it can be a blessing. Time means more days and more hours to spend with those you love doing what you love. For all the days I wish time would stop, that it would freeze my kids in the moment, I'm so glad that it doesn't. You can't grow if you are frozen. You can't live if you are stuck. You can't love if you can't move forward. Two thousand fourteen will be my thirty sixth year. It will be another year to start fresh. Another year to plan and set goals. Another year to live, each moment, to it's fullest. And it will be another year where I write all about it.
Alli at simply alli, is hosting a link up today. Here is the prompt that she has provided to get a jump start on some goals. Perhaps you can call them resolutions. I think I'm going to call them ideas. I'd like to think that if I call them goals or really great ideas for 2014, I can complete each and every one.
Procrastination. And not washing my face before bed. I know, right?
A new skill I’d like to learn:
Last year I was totally game to learn to knit. Still haven't so I think I'll stick with knitting. Any good tutorials out there?
A person I hope to be more like:
Honey in faith, Diana in motivation, Jill in kindness, Becca business skills and Alissa in blogging social media skills, and Ashley for blog and word inspiration.
A good deed I’m going to do:
More random acts of kindness. They really turn your whole day around.
A place I’d like to visit:
Somewhere with the Hubbs. Somewhere with the kids. Somewhere with my bestie. It doesn't have to be exotic or far from home, just a little get away.
A book I’d like to read:
Pride and Prejudice. I have never read it. I know. How can I love books and have never even cracked this one open.
A letter I’m going to write:
To an old friend. To say hello when they would least expect it.
A new food I’d like to try:
Kale. I know I'm paleo and all but I have yet to conquer my fear of kale.
I’m going to do better at:
Minding my temper. Patience. Using my words. Asking for help. Taking a breath. Being me.
I really liked those prompts by Alli. They bring a different meaning to "resolution". Last year I participated in "Seven Things". I've decided to review them and then pick seven new things for 2014. Here is how I fared last year.
Minding my temper. Patience. Using my words. Asking for help. Taking a breath. Being me.
I really liked those prompts by Alli. They bring a different meaning to "resolution". Last year I participated in "Seven Things". I've decided to review them and then pick seven new things for 2014. Here is how I fared last year.
Seven things: 2013/2014
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