My real name is Megan, but mostly I'm known as Mom.
I'm a former stay at home mom, who is now I'm a working mom, who once again is trying to find her footing in that mess. I love my kids, but I also love Instagram, my DVR, Starbucks, and iPhone in almost a co-dependent way. Also anything Shonda Rhimes puts on television stops me in my tracks. These however are my last vices, no more alcohol, no more cigarettes, no more bread (I'm grain free). So really I'm not so upset at my co-dependency...
I have decided that I was not built for motherhood. However motherhood has built me, and it's a work in progress. A really long and messy progress that produces tears and laughter.
I'm on the downward slope to 40, and I'm not quite sure how I feel about that. Also since turning 35 in 2013 I've been blessed with a bald spot and a leaky bladder. Wonderful. I'm pretty sure I don't know a thing about aging gracefully.
I love my husband because he is hilarious, and you can't stay mad at someone who makes you laugh. His expertise is the conversational joke. I also refer to him as the Hubbs, and he incidentally hates Instagram and all things Shonda Rhimes. Go figure.
I have two beautiful daughters. Caitlin and Mackenzie. One day they are going to sue for damages and defamation of character as a result of reading this blog. I'm okay with that. Or they will write their own blog/book, and I'm not sure I'll be okay with that.
I'm always going to be honest. Sometimes I'll be harsh. I'll try my best not to offend. But I can't promise anything. Also I use the word F*ck and Vagina. A lot.
Stick around, get comfortable, and put on your reading glasses.
I think you will be glad you did!
With loving affection,
Absolute Mommy