Let's talk about these last few days. They haven't been the best in mommyland for me. I've been exhausted. I've had littles that don't want to sleep. My brain won't shut off. A nagging feeling that I'm not doing enough. Also some new year's goals that aren't taking off like I wanted them too. I have started couch to 5k again, so that's a bright spot. Bright spot if you mean that I hate running until I'm actually doing it. This post may seem scattered... But so am I. It's the lack of sleep. Currently I write this with yesterday's made up face, 2 day old slept in yoga pants, and hair past it's shampoo date. It's a glamorous life I lead...
Some Crying
I let Mac scream it out last night in an effort to get her to sleep. The child is almost three, so the idea that this is insane isn't lost on me. Let's talk about the fact that she actually can open her own door, so letting her cry it out, is now off the table. The kid will not nap when she needs too, then on her own accord falls asleep in random places, at random times (say 6:30 pm), then wakes two hours later fully refreshed and ready to tackle the night life. I'm too old for this kind of crap. God help me.
The Bitch
That would be me. Last night. I threw a tantrum that trumped Mac's. I was angry that another night had been manipulated by a 2 year old. That my night was going to be spent on a now defunct bedtime routine. That it was another slap to my cheek at how I've failed my child... Ok, that last one is a bit too dramatic even for me. We did our bath, book, bed routine, but Mac just couldn't abide by it. After staying up the night before with her until 1 am as a result of a late nap, I was done. DONE. So I threw a fit of my own. Because I wanted to write a post that needed to be written all day (blogger problems, am I right?). Because I wanted to watch the Mindy Project and Cougar Town. Because I wanted to have just one conversation with the hubbs. None of the above happened. And since I yelled at Mac, the hubbs, and threw a fit, I wrestled with guilt until the wee hours when I could finally relax. Vicious spiral of guilt.
My Wardrobe
This is what is happening on my fashion front. I thought I'd throw this in just for fun, and since it's the Mommy-Brain Mixer day, you may be meeting me for the first time. I don't dress like this everyday. Most days I'm in yoga pants. And just to be clear, I steal all my ideas from the fabulous pinners on Pinterest.
New shirt from Target with an obvious crease across the boobs.
This is why this will never be a fashion blog.
And yes that's my bathroom.
Selfie after a 2 am bedtime and 6 am wake up call.
Call me crazy.
I posted this on instagram and my peeps were too kind
in saying I looked great.
It's the sunnies people.
They hide the steam trunks under the eyes.
Me in my playoff game rally shirt.
The Niners were down, and we needed some points.
My dad suggested we turn our shirts inside out.
It's only crazy if it doesn't work, right?
Also not pictured: rally Toms.
Now it's time to meet Jelli and the other mommies joining in the festivities.
Join us and link up your mommy brain posts.
We like the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Especially me, so I know, I'm not the only one fumbling the mothering ball.

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