Since I've neglected this spot for some time, I needed a way to bring you half way up to speed on my life. So I picked five things that went on over the last week or so.
#1 Sick Days
I'm just beginning to feel better. I was sick for over a week and it got worse before it got better. I'm a real pain in the ass when I get sick because there isn't much I can do about it. Most antibiotics contain some kind grain or sugar I cannot have. Also, most cough syrups contain HFCs, which I cannot have because I'm allergic to corn. So while I went to the doctor, I couldn't take anything that was prescribed. Bummer. So I just kind of whined and bitched my way through the week. My husband is one lucky man.
#2 Class Reunions
The Hubbs had his class reunion last weekend. I knew we couldn't miss it, so I went even though I was sick. Yeah, I know. It didn't help at all and made me worse. It was worth it though. I got dressed up, heels even. I curled my hair and put on make up! And of course it was a date night for the two of us. With dancing I may add. So even though I woke up on Sunday worse for wear, I'm so glad we went.
#3 Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week was almost the death of me. Maybe it was because I was sick. Maybe it was because I was not prepared, truth is I just totally sucked at Red Ribbon Week. In years past the dress up days have been, Super Hero Day, Pajama Day, Crazy Hair Day. Those I can do. Those are easy and usually I have something in my house so I don't have to buy anything. This year was, Neon Day, Surf/Hawaiian Day, Mix Match Day. On the surface they appear easy, but when you actually have to find something that both kids like, is comfortable and within the dress code... Disaster.
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One happy kid, one kid who gives zero... |
#4 Writing vs. Working Out
Confession: I cannot workout and write on the same day. It never happens. I either wake up early to work out and then I fall asleep before I get time to write, or I don't work out and then spend that time writing. Second confession: I didn't do much of either last week. I'm in this holding pattern of what is more important right now. I feel like I'm stretched so thin already that I have to choose between my thighs and my blog. That's a really tough choice for me. I want to do both. I really do. I want to be the kind of woman who wakes up in the morning and runs five miles and then writes for two hours a day. I dream of being that kind of woman, but I'm not her. Not today. I'm really thinking about this writing challenge for November, but I'm scared. I'm scared I'll fail. I'm scared I'll get writers block. But then I'm also scared that if I don't dive in now, if I don't concentrate on my words instead of my thighs, I'll never really concentrate on my words. I'm still thinking. I'm still sitting on fear.
#5 Christmas is eight weeks away
I'll let that sink in. I'll let that play with your emotions. Christmas is my favorite, but its also the hardest holiday. Don't you think? I'm already in a tizzy about Christmas gifts because, I HAVE NOT STARTED! Oh, the panic and the pressure. Can't I just buy every single thing on Amazon and have it shipped. Damn if I'm not going to try. Also the girls wanted to play Christmas music today and so we did. And I kind of liked it even though it's not even Halloween. Maybe that's what happens when you work in retail. Christmas is always.
Five things. Just to bring you up to speed. Hopefully I won't disappear again.