According to Pacific Standard time... I've got just under three hours to publish this Five on Friday. I've been looking for a new link up, and here is a good one! Easy, straight forward, and the perfect way to share some of my Instagrams! It's a win/win everyone.
ONE: These cross stitch tattoos are the new infinity tattoo. And why the heck not? They bring a nice touch to what may be a boring heart or rose tattoo. I shared this picture with my bestie because we are always looking for ways to up our tattoo game... Considering we only have three between the too of us. Which is technically no game at all.
TWO: I apologize in advance if I have any Fifty Shades of Grey fans in the room.
I tried to read it. Three times. I just couldn't get past the whole plagiarism thing, as a writer. So when the Internet was caught ablaze a few weeks back over Grey, Christian's point of view, I was beside myself. So I text my BFF and decided that we needed the POV of Anna's vagina. Because I'm sure Anna's vagina has a boat load to say about this whole "pain is pleasure" business. Look, I'm not a prude. My mom read Harlequin romance novels when I was a kid. I read my first one at approximately nine years old. I know what sex is, but the whole franchise is lost on me. So my first novel just might be the point of view of Anna's va-jay.
THREE: This tank is my new favorite tank. It's from Old Navy and I should have bought it in the peach color too. It's so soft, and with a peplum waist, it hides a multitude of flaws. This photo was taken to confess that i was wearing the same outfit two days in a row. The night before this picture, I went to see Magic Mike XXL with my girls. Listen. MMXXL is legit. Way better than the first, and if I be so bold, better dancing. Let's be honest, Channing Tatum could dance to the Polka and it would be hot. Just saying.
FOUR: These cups from Starbucks are tops. They almost make you forget that you are spending three dollars on iced tea you could brew at home. Almost. But they are super fun for summer, and how could a sunnies lover like myself say no? Obviously I couldn't. Next up, the boom box. Gotta get the boom box.
FIVE: My husband threw this card at me the other night and said, "Redeemable at any time". Is it bad that I laughed? Is it horrible that I have no idea where said card actually is? I laughed so hard when he threw this in my lap, that I just had to share it on Instagram where #absolutehubbs is quite Insta-famous. It's romantic gestures like this that keep the love alive.
Have a great weekend blog friends! See you next week!
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