So I have been talking for a year now, OVER A YEAR, about starting a blog. A friend of mine once told me she thought blogs were self indulgent and somewhat self centered.... Well DUH! I still love her, and she was right, but she's also my friend and loves me, so whatever.
So what was I gonna blog about exactly? For starters being a MOM. A stay at home mom, a full time, full life mom. Yeah, those little ones totally took over. My heart, my life, my wardrobe, my style? For those who knew me in my former life they knew that I once wanted to write for Vogue or In Style, I once bought a pair of shoes and built an outfit around it, and I devoured fashion magazines like chocolate. Those people would not recognize me today. Most days I look like a zombie clutching a Starbucks Venti cup!
I also wanted a place that us Moms could come together and be honest and support each other. I have lots of mom friends and we lean on each other and ask questions, and sometimes admit defeat. That's what I hope will happen here.
I also hope that you will let me indulge in the things I love and obsess over. TV, Movies, pop culture, and yes Perez Hilton.
So here I am. Introducing myself to the blogging world. Hoping that a few will follow and read. I've always wanted to write and have seen Julie and Julia enough times to finally say "you CAN do that".
Post a comment, ask my opinion, start a conversation.
Happy Blogging,