7 things Challenge {2013}

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One of my favorite bloggers Lena B, is hosting this super cool link up for 2013.  Instead of "resolutions" we are sharing 7 things, all prompted by a few words.  Like all resolutions a few of mine will probably be broken.  It's fine.  I do it every year.  First let's look at mine from last year:
I didn't do so bad.  I did revamp my relationship with God.  In my own way.  I also read more this year.  I thank my Kindle and an obsession with the Hunger Games for that.  I did cook and eat more veggies since I had to, I went 100% grain free in February.  Did I mind my temper?  Yes and no.  Did the Hubbs and I have regular date nights?  No, not in the convention sense, but we did stay up many nights watching movies or Mad Men while the kiddos slept.  I did pay more attention to myself.  I dressed up more, thanks to Pinterest and WIW posts.  I said yes to invites out with my gals without feeling guilty about leaving the kiddos.  Did I challenge myself?  Yes, more crafting, cooking, baking, reading, and running all took place in 2012.  Yes I said running!!
So now I'm ready for 2013, and my 7 things challenge:
Learn:  How to knit.  Everyone is doing it, and I love scarves way too much not to try.
Start: Running.  Again.  I stopped and have regretted it every day. 
Time to lace up my trainers.
Stop:  putting off my freelance/book dream.  Seriously what am I waiting for. 
The worst they can do is say no!
Take a vacation to: a blogging conference, writing conference or both.
Also Disneyland with the kids would also be awesome.
Find: and make the perfect roasted chicken
Try: to put my laundry away when it's washed. 
I know, but seriously these things are made to be broken.
Be (more):  Inspired.  
I was very inspired in 2012, and I think it made all the difference. 
I want to keep that spirit and be inspired by
words, art, crafts, people, music, everything.
In the spirit of being inspired, many bloggers last year picked One Little Word to inspire their 2012.  I have a really hard time picking one word, because words inspire me.  It's like asking me to pick a favorite book, or favorite child.  Almost impossible. 
That said I think I may have found one. 
I talked a lot about savoring the season last month.  So much so, that I think I used the word savor in my last five posts.  So to pick that word would be redundant. 
I've decided that my "one little word" will be Zest.  To have a zest for life, for words, for inspiration.  Being brave, being hopeful, being loved, all of those are made possible by having zest.  When I looked it up in my ancient dictionary from highschool,
the third definition of zest was "keen enjoyment".  
That sounds like a wonderful plan for 2013.
Some great link ups to bring in the new year:
7 Things
Define 2013