Dragging my feet {InstaFriday}

It's been a long week, and I've been dragging my feet the whole way.
We've gone back into the groove of school kicking and screaming.
I'm talking more about myself than the kiddos.
Why is it so hard to get back into a good routine?

Mac has been crazy spoiled this week. 
It being just her and mommy for most of the day.
It's a good things she is cute.
A few mornings ago on the ride home from
dropping off sister at school she said:
Mommy that lady still has lights up.
And I said, I know but Christmas is over.
And she said: Hey lady, Christmas is over!
I laughed so hard, for hours.

Another thing about back to school is that
our schedules are totally off.
Take Mac for example.
This is 6 o'clock at night.
Good thing I was able to just put her to bed
and she slept through the night.
6 o'clock naps end in disaster, for me anyway.

Had my first mammogram, and I have my first benign cyst.
I was super worried and so were many
of my real life and bloggy friends.
Thanks so much for all your support. 
It really did make me feel better.
These are my new Toms.
Not a great picture, but I was nervously waiting my mammogram.
Toms seemed like just the thing I would wear to my mammogram.
Some mommies get excited about Princess Valentines,
or Thomas the Train Valentines.
This mommy gets excited about Baby Vader Valentines.
Seriously these are the cutest.
Especially the baby Chewy.
I'm going to have to buy 2 packs.
One to keep and one to use in crafts!
PS: they are from Scholastic
I got a night out on the town with my mama and my two aunties.
It was a fabulous night with fabulous company.
There is something about watching a musical live that is invigorating.
I could feel every note Effie sung.
It was amazing!
 I'll go ahead and be honest and tell you
that I didn't do my hair 2 days this week.
Just threw on a hat.
One day I didn't even wash my face or change my yoga/pj pants.
I don't wear make up most days, but still.
It's just been one of those weeks.
Where there is lots to do, but Pinterest has some amazing pins to pin.
Tangled is on cable.
Dinner is canned soup and grilled cheese.
I'm tired and so are the kids.
It's just been a week for dragging my feet.
I'm hoping to get a better handle on the next one.
But I may need a few more days in hats.
Linking up with InstaFriday