Ready to Rock...

The hiatus was shorter than expected.  That's because I have so much to tell you and so much to share.  So for today, I'll be brief.
Pictures courtesy of Lora
I'm right behind Summer in the stripes, with the peace sign.
It's taken me almost a week to wrap my head around Elevate.  I'm sure you noticed from my Instagram feed that I was knee deep in blogger heaven last Saturday.  It took me the entire week to savor and reflect on the people, the speakers, and the message.  To write one post entirely dedicated to the Elevate Conference would not do it justice, so I'll be writing three over the next week.  I promise to make them fun and exciting, and not at all like your boring neighbors vacation pictures. 
I also have products to review, shout outs to give, a Mother's Day post to share...
All exciting stuff right?
So I'm ready to rock.  Even if I haven't done a stitch of laundry, a bit of cleaning, or even tried to do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred again.  Because guys, Jillian almost killed me!  So, I'm diving back into the the things I love most.  Writing and this blog.  And more importantly you, because if I learned anything last Saturday, it's that blogging is powerful.  And while my blog might not save any lives, it does introduce me to people that do.  It allows me to make lasting friendships over social media, and it gives me the blessing of having a voice. 
Stay tuned for stories that will make you laugh, and maybe even cry. 
Because I'm back, and whether my family likes it or not,
I'm ready to rock.