We decided to go to our little piece of heaven. A two story used bookstore in Clovis. So many of the books take me back to my elementary school library. The smell of old books, the feel of worn pages, and the idea that there are hundreds of worlds waiting to be discovered.
We needed a little break from ourselves on Thursday. After we slept the day away and stayed in our pajamas. We needed to do something other than play on the iPad and watch Nick Jr. We needed a change of scenery. A change of pace. A change of attitude.
There is something magical about a two story book store. Especially one that has such luxuries as antique couches and chairs. And books from floor to ceiling. How could we not turn our frowns upside down in such a place.
We left that day with new worlds to explore. Books, books, and more books. Where will they all go? It's not unusual to find books all over our house. How can that be a bad thing?
It's the little adventures in motherhood that make a big life. I forget that simple trips to simple places sometimes make the biggest impact. I think when I look back on my life as a mother, it will be the little adventures, the ones with no plan and no agenda, that I will remember most.
Some days, even when you want to laze with the laziest of bums, it's best to have a simple adventure. They usually make the best memories.