Words to breathe by {2014}
There is a trend among us bloggy people, like me, to pick "one little word" at the start of a new year. Its purpose is to guide us throughout the year. To take root in our heart and remind us as we make our way into a new year, as we chart new territory, this word can serve as our guide. I like this idea, in fact my word for 2013 was "zest", to really capture and taste the zest of life. I think I did a pretty good job of living in the moment, of tasting the zest, but it wasn't the only word that guided me last year. I couldn't even begin to list the words that guided me in the last year.
You see, I'm a logophile, a lover of words if you will. I love words in many ways. I love screenplays that create great movies and tv shows. I love lyrics that make beautiful music. I love manuscripts and blogs and letters and novellas, and prose. How could I ever pick just one word to guide me through an entire year? Words are my oxygen.
I did start the year with one word: Soar. I thought about the new year that lay in front of me and I really wanted to rise to meet it. I thought about the goals that I always have at the beginning of any year and I wanted to rise to meet those. Even if it was hard, even if there were trials, even if there were heartaches; I wanted to rise above them and soar. But I was still a little unsure of this word. It hadn't taken root, so I looked on Pinterest for a little inspiration. I found this:
And suddenly Soar had roots.
Then I was thinking of the challenges I had in 2013. What was my biggest source of stress? I'm pretty sure it was over scheduling. It was spreading myself and my resources too thin. Whenever a friend would ask how I was, I would always respond: Busy. My kids could feel it. My husband could see it. And it totally exhausted me. So I felt like a guiding word for 2014 could also be, Balance. I didn't realize how fitting until I found this:
How interesting, that balance is something we create, not something to seek out and find. Could I actually hold the key to creating a balanced life? I honestly always believed that balance was something you arrived at, something you achieved, not something I actually had the power to create. Boom.
As I went along during the first few days of 2014, my list of words grew longer. With thanks to Pinterest.
I really can do anything, but not everything. And at some point in 2014 I'm going to come to a point where I'm going to have to decide that it's Enough. That what I'm doing is enough. That what I've achieved is enough. And that if the girls have clean underwear and grilled cheese for dinner, then I have certainly done enough on that day. Because sometimes even the smallest victory is enough.
And while I think that Enough is plenty to be proud of, there will always be room for More. But more of the fun stuff. The laundry will always be there, so will the dishes and the floors that have scuff marks. The toilet will always need scrubbing, and the counters will always need wiped. But my children will one day outgrow Saturday morning cartoons in their pjs. They will one day think the magic of sparklers on New Years Eve, lame. They will one day roll their eyes at the thought of going to a movie with mom. So in 2014 I want more LOVE. I want more FUN. I want more last minute, heat of the moment adventures, even if it's just a walk to get popsicles. I want more books and more music. More everything that makes an ordinary day extraordinary. More.
Little Miss Momma posted this quote on Charity on her Instagram a few nights ago. I rooted immediately. Charity is deeply rooted in love. It's an unconditional kind of love. When I think of charity I think of giving to those less fortunate, but that is charity in a material way. This takes on a deeper meaning when we are think about charity in an emotional way. Are there people in my life that deserve more charity from me? Absolutely. Am I going to try and be more charitable? Hell yes. So charity was added to my list.
Have I totally lost you? Too many words to keep count? Soar, Balance, Enough, More, Charity. I couldn't bring myself to pick just one. I find that I want to surround myself with inspiration and words more and more these days. It's not a bad place to be.
Five little words that bring new meaning, new lessons, and give strength to old goals. Five little words to breathe by.
PS: remember that this is my first week at my new job.
Be sure to come back Wednesday for a new post!