It's November.
When did that happen.
Somewhere between pumpkin patch trips and football games.
No bother.
October flew by, and now here's our re-cap.
Called the "hangover" because I still have one.
How many days until Christmas??
All pics taken by my iPhone of course.
Because how else would I be able to Instagram my life?
Caitlin's kindergarten class went to the pumpkin patch the day before Halloween.
See those fancy tie-dye shirts...
Yup, I did those, and the kiddos drew the jack-o-lantern faces.
The pumpkin patch was a lot of fun.
A lot of hiking and walking but a lot of fun.
See the leaf that Caitlin is holding?
Well, she put that in my purse and I found it's skeleton a few days later.
Oh, and meet William...
Her "best friend", who she is completely smitten with.
He's such a cutie, but look at Caitlin's face!
My BF said that she's got that wild eyed boy craziness about her.
We are five people.
Let's talk Halloween.
Mac was still sickie, and who would have known the day after she'd be worse.
The Hubbs actually handed out candy in that mask.
We were laughing so hard, but the trick or treaters were unfazed.
We were so sad about that.
Some vandal/hoodlum stole one of my hipster pumpkin's mustaches.
Really people?
It was a stick on 'stache.
Caitlin killed it as Draculara, in a Monster High cheer uniform.
And we got back from trick or treating just in time to see one of my favies,
It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.
The Great Pumpkin made a visit to our house.
Did he visit yours?
He left the girls bags of candy and mini Lalaloopsies.
Of course he did.
Also there isn't a picture of Mac in her costume on Halloween.
She just wasn't feeling it, and I get it now.
She woke up on Thursday with a terrible cough and more fever.
Here is her picture from the Saturday before.
Here's the story of Mac Bat.
Mac wanted to be three things for Halloween this year.
A witch, a bat, or a ghost.
I had a black dress, black leggings, and shoes.
Perfect for a witch or a bat.
When she finally decided on a bat, I went to search for bat wings.
While in the costume aisle in Target with my mom,
I had come to the conclusion that I would have to make bat wings.
Until I found some.
For a dog.
Yes, readers, Mac is in a dog costume.
Dear Mac,
Mommy loves you to pieces,
but you have second child written all over you.
How was your Halloween?
Still hungover?