I blogged about my sweet potato pie that was almost a disaster.
John won an iPad from work.
Miss Mac finished all her meds, a first in this house!
Caitlin can now write love notes.
Kindergarten makes life sweeter.
Mac got all gussied up for dinner.
Caitlin is practicing for her recital.
Two awesome comments from some awesome readers!
Can you see Mac?
She really didn't want to go to bed.
Family Circus preached the truth last week.
People Magazine rocked my world.
There was sexy on top of sexy, with a side of sexy.
Hey, can I get fries with that sexy?
My cousin Kim got me this rad crazy cat lady sweatshirt.
It's from Forever 21.
Go get one right meow.
And would you look at that.
Crazy cat lady runs in the family.
Caitlin rocked her "boots with da furrr".
Saturday we lived it up fancy with a fancy family photographer.
You all know Laura Hernandez.
But did you know she's my Aunt?
Crazy, small world right?
Well she did a fantastic family portrait session,
and then rocked my world with some head shots.
Self indulgent?
Super fun?
Do I look like that in real life?
Hardly ever.
Then Monday, with just 4 days before Turkey day, this.
I think it was to force me to slow down.
To catch up on Scandal, Christmas shop on the iPad,
and wear yoga pants all day.
Sometimes life hands you lemons.
And all you can do is add hot water and lemon to suppress your cough.
Or tequila.
You can always add tequila.

Beth's awesome Black Friday Giveaway.
Don't miss it!