
Sometimes we need a little confirmation.  We need that pat on the back, head nod, or smile that confirms that we are doing good.  That we are a success.  This has become much more important now that I'm a mom.

As moms I think we need that confirmation from each other.  We need to know that our other mom friends think we are doing a great job.  Heck, we don't even need our mom friends to say, I'd take a head nod or smile from that other mom in the grocery store with a screaming toddler.  Just to know I'm not alone.  Just to know that SHE knows I'm doing my very best.  My bloggy friend Lacee over at Mommas Like Me touched on this a little last week.  Read about it here.  I was so glad that she did.  As mothers we need to support each other more, and judge each other less.

That brought me to this weeks inspiration. 

Sunday night while on Twitter (my new obsession) I saw a tweet from a new mom, and by new I mean like less than 6 weeks.  She was tweeting about the tears lost over breastfeeding.  Her baby's and hers.  In that moment I froze.  I was that mom almost five years ago.  I was that bleary eyed, sleep deprived new mom, that just couldn't get my baby to latch.  And it was the end of my mommy-ing pride.  To say that it crushed me would be to put it lightly.  So I did what I wished someone would have done for me in my post partum haze.  I told her: 
You are an excellent Mother! 
You are doing the best job you can do. 
That baby loves you no matter what obstacles you both face. 
(or something like this)

Because she needed to know that even if her baby had to take a bottle, it was going to be just fine.  Her baby was going to grow up just as healthy and loved as all the other breastfed babies.  She needed to know that there should be no guilt and no shame, in admitting that the boobs just aren't working.  She needed to know that this should not break her.  That this one hiccup in motherhood should not set the tone for motherhood. 

I wish someone would have told me that on that night almost five years ago.

So I did.  I told her. 

And it got me thinking.  About what a momma really wants to hear.  I may be wrong, but I'd like a little confirmation.  So I'm saying it here.

I want confirmation.  I want to know that it's ok that today, I folded laundry, but it didn't get put away.  I want to know that grilled cheese is a totally acceptable dinner, possibly three nights a week.  I want to know that fighting with my four year old is par for the course first thing in the morning.  I want to know that I'm just like you, and her, and those other moms.  I want confirmation.

Confirmation that what I'm doing is ok.  That what I'm doing is incredible, as long as it's the right thing for me.

I want confirmation.

I got that confirmation.  Just in time when I was a new mom.  It changed me.  It changed everything.  Confirmation that I was doing just fine, made me believe I was doing just fine. 

Confirmation is simple.  Little words that have a huge impact.

Next time that new mom is beating herself up about sleep cycles, breast vs. bottle, or co-sleeping, give her confirmation.  Don't hand her a book.  Don't tell her to call La Leche Leauge.  Tell her it's fine.  She's doing a great job.  Tell her she's an excellent mother.

That mom with the four year old losing their *s* over Rockstar Barbie in Target, give her a nod, a smile, an I've been there confirmation.  Don't give her a side eyed glance.  Don't ask if it's nap time.  If she tells you it's nap time, say "We have those days".

That mom who just bought McDonald's after swearing last night was the last night of the week for fast food.  She needs a little confirmation too.  Confirmation that her "mom" card isn't up for suspension.  That you know late nights always equal early mornings.  That tomorrow can be vegetable day.

All moms will be so thankful, and you just might change the course of their day, or their life.

Sometimes we just need a little confirmation.

Happy Blogging,
Linking up with this beautiful momma.
Go check out here amazing post here!