Have you ever read Rags To Stitches coffee dates? How about Nay's over at Cover to Cover and Everything in between? Well if you have, then you know the drill. If not check them out. I've been reading them for the past few weeks and they are so inspiring and personal. A little look into their life as if you were having coffee with them. I love it!
So in that spirit, let's have a coffee date:
If we were going to have a coffee date,
I'd invite you to Starbucks because I don't make coffee.
I have a machine, but I don't really know how to use it.
I rarely have ground coffee in the house.
So to Starbucks we go, my treat.
We'd sit down with your mocha, frappie, whatever, and for me?
Some herbal tea with honey.
Yes, still no caffeine.
And yes, I'd start out by complaining about it.
Then I'd tell you somethings about my week.
That above is a precious moment.
The hubbs works hard, and misses a lot of breakfasts during the week.
Since we were out of town, he got some more kiddo time.
He's trying to get Mac to eat some eggs.
He's also watching cartoons with them.
A little moment for him and the girls.
I'd tell you that this girl is my cupcake date.
She loves them, but you know that.
She picked at this frosting for awhile.
Love this face.
I'd tell you Caitlin LOVES chocolate.
That this was a disaster!
That the sugar went straight to her head.
That I swear we almost got kicked out of Whole Foods.
I was THAT mom, with THOSE kids.
I'd tell you that this was by far the biggest indulgence in awhile.
Mani/pedi on Valentine's Day.
Those pink glitter nails rocked my Vday.
Plus they are gel so they will stay pretty for a bit.
That's how I feel about Valentine's Day without Chocolate.
Or Starbucks.
That's my face for attending 2 Valentine's Day parties without chocolate.
Then I'd let you know that this is a little piece of heaven for me.
That little all natural/organic/100% fruit rope tastes like candy.
In my mind at least.
Those little fruit ropes are the newest additions to the DOD.
And they make me very happy.
Finally I'd tell you that in the rush and blur that was packing.
To leave for a trip on Vday night.
My hubby surprised me with these.
Pink roses.
On the most romantic, love filled day of the year.
I was so surprised!
They are lovely.
They made my Valentine's Day.
Then I'd tell you a little about my doctors appointments.
But that would take too long, so I'd tell you, let's talk about it later.
Later, because I want to know what I missed this week in your world.
I'd then tell you, to tell me about your week.
What did you get for Valentine's Day?
What did you give?
Finally I'd tell you I'm really glad we did this.
That it was just what I needed.
Can we do this again sometime??
Happy Blogging,
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