Last Wednesday we went to the Pumpkin Patch with Mac's Preschool Class.
Of course we started our adventure with a selfie.
After a very bumpy tractor ride with 30ish screaming three year olds,
we were dropped at a corn maze. The kids were a little iffy at first, but Mac
and her best buddy Ryan soon got the hang of it. Ryan's Mommy and I just let them go and we eventually caught up with them. Here they are proud of their success.
Mac had fun picking out her pumpkin. She was sure to point out that these were still in the ground, not in a box like at Walmart. She had a little trouble deciding, but then she found a good one. I love this picture of her trying to hold it. It was a little heavy for her little arms.
I think she had a great time because her best buddy Ryan was there. They go to the same school, but are in different classes. She tells me every Monday that she waits for Ryan on the playground, but sometimes he wants to go on the big slide, and she doesn't like the big slide. Ryan and Mac have been friends for over a year, since Ryan lives two doors down. They love to play together, even if it's usually Mac bossing him around. A few nights ago Mac asked me if I could talk to Jodi (Ryan's mom) and see if they could have a sleep over party at Ryan's house. Hold me. But this has to be the sweetest picture of what it's like to have a best friend. The one you really like to be around.
All in all we had a wonderful day. Even if it started out with Mommy getting lost. Even if it was a little too hot for boots and jeans. Even if it was the first stop of many on that Wednesday.
The pumpkin patch was a success.
And I'll take successes when I can get them.