It's week two of the Four Gifts link up with Alyson M. Last week I talked about our "want", this week is all about what we need. Every year we need boots. It doesn't get very cold here in Fresno until December, so we wait it out until Christmas for boots. These are just some examples of the kinds of boots my girls would go crazy for. I'll be honest with you, we buy faux Uggs every year. And this year, I'm pretty sure we are going to get them at Costco. But if we could dream... These would be our choices.
Now it's my turn, and of course I need boots, but the question this year is will they be for work or for play. I also added in a pair of glitter Toms, because I can wear those to work too, and maybe the Hubbs is reading and maybe, just maybe I'll find some under the tree. Because of course I need works shoes too. I know Uggs are really out of style and get made fun of for all sorts of reasons, but I just can't quit them. They are my favorite thing to wear to school drop off and for days when I'm in leggings and flannels. But let's also take a look at the Toms booties. I could totally wear them to work, and my Lawd! Don't they look fantastic?
I would have added a nice polyvore collage for the Hubbs, but he gave me the funniest look when I asked him what kind of shoes he would need this Christmas. Then I explained to him the idea for this series and link up and he gave me an even funnier look. So is the life of a blogger, who's Hubbs thinks that she's totally crazy, he doesn't believe me that these are important discussion points during the Holiday Season!
What are your needs this holiday season? Are Uggs on your list? Am I the only one who still likes them? Join us and link up for the Four Gifts series!