Dear Mrs. S and Miss A {A Farewell to Preschool}

Dear Mrs. S and Miss A,

I don't even know quite where to begin.  How does one thank two individuals who knew nothing about my child in August, but welcomed her with open arms and open hearts?  Two strangers who I cannot imagine not knowing today.  Two lovely women who we have to say goodbye to in just a few short weeks.

First day of School
August 2011

Let me say that the thought of not talking to you every day and seeing you everyday breaks my heart.  I feel like you are a huge part of the Crutchfield Family.  It's going to be weird not talking to you about your weekend, or even your plans for the rest of the day.

I have to thank you with all my heart for embracing my little girl.  It was a rough road we had to travel in those early days.  With all the tears and shyness.  Those were hard mornings for me, but I'm sure also for you, as you had a class room full of four year olds, just as fragile in the heart as mine.  Thank you for always having a kind word, a way to direct all the fear and crying, and a empathy that many would have dropped after the first four weeks.  I will be forever grateful for knowing that my Caitlin was always in good hands when I walked out the door, even if I could still hear her crying.

School trip to the Pumpkin Patch

I'm sure you have noticed the difference in Caitlin since August.  We are simply amazed.  We know that it is because of your support and instruction that she is the little fireball of today.  It became clear to us at the Christmas program that our little girl was coming out of her shell.  We were overjoyed that she had such a good time singing and dancing in the program.  We also know that it was the two of you who put her mind and her fears at ease.  There are not enough thank yous for that.

Christmas Program
Where they sang "Rudolph the Red-neck Reindeer"

I'm also amazed at how much Caitlin has learned.  I have nothing but admiration for you both, that day in and day out you have the patience of saints.  I know what life is like with a four year old.  You live your daily life with up to 20 at a time.  Yet, no matter the distraction, you have taught my daughter how to read, write, and color outside of the lines... Something that we value in this household.  You have taught her to be a free thinker, to be creative, and to value learning.  Something I pray she continues to to do after she leaves your class room.

Goofing around

So it's almost time.  We graduate with you on Thursday, and while we will stick around until July, we know that this time is coming to a close.  I don't think that Caitlin quite understands that next year she will have new teachers at a new school.  I don't think I fully understand that either.

With all my heart, Caitlin is so lucky to have been blessed with such wonderful teachers, and role models.  Thank you, Mrs. S and Miss A., for everything.


DirtySecretSaturday {Let's talk about sex}


Welcome to another edition of Dirty Secret Saturday. 
This is a linky party just for you. 
To get all those secrets off your chest. 
It can be funny, it can be heartbreaking, it can be real. 
It just has to be all yours. 
We want all the dirt. 
All that we ask in return is you give us some bloggy love,
and share this button on your post. 
Then let all your friends via Twitter and Facebook know,
we are partying it up over here!

Your hosts are:
Chrissy from A Lil Dash Of Diva

So sit back, relax, and link up all your recent or not so recent secrets! 

How I brought some sexy back...

I'm going out on a limb today.
I'm sort of nervous to post this secret.
It's kinda embarrassing.

Here it goes.
I finally like sex again.
There I said it.

And if you're a momma you may know exactly what I'm talking about.
And if you're not a momma, then skip this because I don't want this to scare you.

Look, I'm super happy for you if you were a randy pregnant lady.
I'm even jealous of you if you were a hot and bothered new momma.
I'll be super jelly if you tell me that the sex never changed.
For me it did.
In a major way.

I swear I thought I broke my va-jay jay. 
I'm dead serious.

Something happened to me once that pink line appeared.
I was sick and green and not feeling sexy at all.
I hoped that having that baby would bring the sexy back.
It didn't.
I like to say that my sex drive was thrown out with the placenta.
I'm convinced that the placenta takes it all.
Beauty.  Brains.  Sex Drive.  Sanity.
I digress.

After pregnancy and then birth, the last think I wanted to do was have sex.
Didn't you just see what I pushed outta that thing?
Do you wanna know what it feels like to sit down?
I can't even imagine...
Plus, my va-jay wanted none of it.
Damn, girlfriend was tired.
I felt like I owed her some time to relax.

So I was happy with a 6 week reprieve.
Only after 6 weeks, I was a mess.
But the countdown to "6 weeks post partum" was an actual thing in my house.
I put on a brave smile.
I didn't need "big girl" panites, I was still wearing them (thanks childbirth).
Most likely I was unshowered, speckled in baby vomit, and lactating.
Yet my hubby was over the moon.
And I felt like the 29 year old virgin.
Ouch, is a complete understatement.

Fast forward 2 years.
Lots of trying and failing at getting my groove back.
Lots of pain and resentment.
I was so mad at my body.
How dare my va-jay quit on me like that!

So when I say that we tried for another baby, we did.
We actually put in some work.
Well the husband was all about it.
Not so much.

A second baby did nothing for my sex drive.
In fact I was an even bigger mess.
What do you mean you want to have sex?
I haven't eaten a hot meal in days.
I haven't slept in 24 hours.
I don't remember showering recently.
And you want to have sex?

 Plus both my va-jay and my uterus had hung a closed sign. 
Did I even have any feeling down there?
I swear I was numb. 
Emotionally and physically.
My va-jay was begging me to close up shop.
Girlfriend was tired.
Plus she didn't work like she used to, if you catch my drift.
Quickies were for a someone younger and in better shape.
Girlfriend needed some R&R.

So I found myself at this crossroads.
Still struggling with this concept of sex.
Struggling to want sex more than sleep, a shower,
or the current episode of Grey's Anatomy.
Was I ever going to want sex again, let alone like it?
Was I ever going to get my groove back?

 Let's not forget the emotional struggle this caused in my marriage.
My husband thought I didn't love him anymore.
The intimacy was gone.
We were so awful to each other.
Well of course we were, we both needed to get laid.
For lack of a better term.
And the fighting.
Fighting about anything and everything, and it always turned into a fight about sex.

So with nothing to lose, I introduced a "sex" schedule.
Oh, don't grimace at me.
You've seen them in every women's magazine.
I saw mine in Redbook.
And I told him we would do it "every three days".
Every three days for a month.
That was the plan.
But life got in the way.
But we weren't mad this time.
Because we were on the same page.
And now, we are on a better schedule.

We like each other more.
A lot more.
We laugh and are at ease with each other.
We are happier and less stressed (go figure).
Turns out all girlfriend needed was some TLC.
And a little time to relax.

 People noticed.
A friend asked, "so what's happening over there?".
I told her my secret.
And then we giggled about it. 
Because for some reason, sex after motherhood is kind of taboo.

Why am I nervous to post that I'm finally bringing sexy back?
That I like it, look forward to it, and don't cringe when I have to think about it?
We're all big girls here, right?
I mean we did do the deed to get the kids, so why are we uncomfortable now?

Well now in our lives, there is a lot more on the line.
We are supposed to all be over joyed with motherhood.
Our houses are supposed to look like "when Pottery Barn meets Pinterest".
Our children are supposed to speak three languages and be miss or mr. manners.
And our marriages are supposed to be perfect.
Full of romance and date nights.
Love letters and racy texting.
For some of us they are, and that's great.
For some of us they're not, and could use a little work.
Or a "sex" schedule.

Any secrets you want to share?

Dear "___" {Friday Letters} {InstaFriday}

Dear Caitlin,
I love you something fierce,
but our fighting has to stop.
I understand that you are 4 going on 16,
but for reals.
Mommy lost her voice yesterday.

Dear "road trip" Mac,
You are hilarious.
I'm sorry that you can't "get ouuut" when you want.
However your comic relief is priceless.
Don't change that face.

Dear Daddy,
Congrats on 10 years at your job!
Selling toilets has been huge for our family.
We just wanted to let you know we love you
and we are so super duper proud of you.
Plus it gave us the chance to get chocolate wasted!

Dear Kindergarten,
You may be getting Caitlin next year,
but Mac is still mine.
For now.
Slow your roll,
and stop being so tempting.
Because your alphabet rug in the
library had me at "M".

Dear Salsa eater,
I wasn't joking when I coined you the
"whitest" Mexican baby.
Your love for Mexican food cracks me up.
Maybe we should have named you MariJesus!

Dear Nutella,
Thanks for making breakfast a no brainer.
Grilled Nutella on white has to be my perfect 10 on my
way to being crowned mother of the year again.
But I gots things to do,
like this post.

Dear Baby Pram,
You have brought great joy to all the little
girlies of the Hernandez Family.
Thank you.

Dear Readers,
Please do this one little chore over on Facebook.
Seriously, Zuck has done it again and made something
that should be so simple so complicated.
But I won't complain, because I still check Facebook like 4 times a day.
So if you want to see what AbsoluteMommy is up to,
do this one little thing.
Please and thank you.


Dear Sponsor Swaps!
Thank you!
Swaps make the blog world go round.
Swaps connect us to people we would never meet otherwise.
Swaps you make my day!
Thanks for the love!
If you have checked out my swappers,
go to there and enjoy!

Dear Friday,
I'm so glad you are here.
Let's make it an awesome three day weekend!

What's on your schedule this weekend?

Linking up here today!!

Also here

Preschool Ditch Day {And a giveaway}

Today is officially preschool ditch day.
Because Mac woke up crying at 1:15am,
and after mommy blogged until 12:30 am,
mommy zombie walked and crawled into bed with Mac.
And mommy didn't hear her alarm go off at 6:30.

So no preschool today.
We didn't wake up until 8:30.
Breakfast happend somewhere around 10.
I did do the dishes before I decided
to blog about what's happening here.
But I'm still in my pjs, so is Mac,
and Caitilin has decided that
panties are the suitable fashion choice today.
Will we actually do any fun "ditch" day activities?
Possibly, an icecream and Michael's run is in the future.

Here is what I'm trying to wrap my head around right now:
Why is it that Mac can tell me she pooped and peed,
but outright refuses to go in her princess potty?
And why does she always choose that moment when
I just poured the eggs in the frying pan to poop her pants?

Why did my darling Catlin decide that she wanted eggs too
when the first batch was already done?
I mean it's not like I didn't ask her 1000 times.
And every time was no, until the 1001st time,
in which the answer was yes.

Finally, why is it that today is the day that
Caitlin found her Baby Alive?
I say found because I have had it
hidden in the bottom of the toy stack.
Because it also poops and pees when fed,
and I seriously don't need
another pooper or pee-er right now.

Oh, and in case you are wondering,
Baby Alive is sitting on the princess potty.

In the meantime, let's welcome Tiffany,
and TKC Designs
She's here to off you some deals on a
summer make over for your blog!

Friends and readers,
meet Tiffany!

Hi everyone! My name is Tiffany and I blog over at the Momma bear diaries! I was so excited when Megan asked me to do this post for her. It's kind of an exciting post to me because I LOVE Megan's blog and I get to have a little spot on it for today!  

I am a twenty something stay at home mom transplanted from Georgia to a blistering cold northern state. I'm in the middle of three bears. Sometimes, I cook, I always clean, and better yet I have the web design gene. 

The web design gene is actually why I'm here today! 

I want to give one of you a discounted blog design! 

You can enter to win 50% off a simple or an all out package.
If you choose the Simple Package that takes your total from $55.00 to $27.50. 
If you choose the All Out Package that will take your total from $90.00 to $45.00. 
Who doesn't love a deal?
If you don't win you can still get a discount. You get 10% off a Simple Package or 20% off an all out package. All you have to do is contact me with the code "absolutemommy" !

I am so excited to see who enters and wins! I can't wait to begin this design and would love to see some more of you even if you don't win! You will still get a deal if you just use the code.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So how awesome is that?
Doesn't a summer bloggy make over sound great?
Things are looking up around here right?
And maybe, just maybe, I'm motivated enough to get dressesed.
Or maybe I'll just go and check on Baby Alive,
and see if she's ready to go back into witness protection.

Everybody says I love you {BdayRecap}

I didn't know what it was like to have a talking baby.  Ok, so she's a toddler, but still.  I have no idea what to do with my chatter box.

Mac is talking.  Like in mini sentences.  I'm so surprised because I never expected it.  Caitlin was a late talker.  She didn't even start making sense until she was 2.5 years.  To hear Mac talk and talk is quite remarkable to me.  My grandma even had to point out that I was actually ignoring her.  I just wasn't trained to hear that little precious voice.

These days Mac says and repeats everything!  She can tell you who is on TV (Elmo, Hook, FooFoo).  She can tell you what she wants to eat or drink (bah, jews, chee), and she can even tell you "bless you" when you sneeze, but it comes out "a-choo mommy".  It's enough to melt your heart.

It gets better.  Friday night John taught her how to say "I love you".  I all but cried at the sound.  It took years for Caitlin to master "I love you", and boy did I need to hear it from that child.  Mac's precious and sweet "I wuv you mommee" is music to my ears.  I keep saying it so she will say it back.  Is there anything better than when your child tells you they love you?  I just melt.

Sure she says things like "no" and "mine" and she still screams like a little monster, but all she has to say is those three little words, and butter!  I'm like buttah!

So as amazed as I am about those three little words, I'm more amazed that the kid is two.  Two years old (and one month!).  So to make sure I start referring to her as a toddler and no longer my baby (what?), I'm going to share pictures from her SECOND birthday that were promised almost a month ago!!!  Better late than never right???

Mac's 2nd Birthday Party!!

1 - Cupcakes by Lockhart Desert Catering.  If you are planning a party in Fresno and need a dessert bar or perfectly decorated cupcakes, Jen is your gal.  She's also a really good friend of mine, so I asked her for these early on.  They look exactly like the Pinterest picture!  Like there was any doubt!

2 - This is Mac's smash cake, which didn't get smashed.  Wait till you see her face in the next set of pictures and you will know why.  The bday song didn't go over so well.  My mom bought those candles just for her, but we only lit two regular candles.  I didn't want Miss Mac to set her lovely lashes on fire, like her mama did on her second birthday! 

3- Miss Mac blocks by my Aunt Jenny.  In the market for some blocks, check out her Facebook page.  She's been making them as gifts to folks in our family, and even asked me if she should make some Hunger Games blocks... Uh, yeah?

4- The Mickey Cake.  I was supposed to put a bow on it, but considering it wasn't frosted until 11 am with the party starting at noon.  It's lucky there is a Micky head on it.  And speaking of the Mickey, it's cuttable, edible, sugar paper.  Sold at Joannes for mother's like me, who aspire to be fancy and Pinterest-y, but usually cry helplessly into canned frosting.  Side note, cake and frosting are both from scratch by me, so there I'm sorta domestic and stuff!

1 - Mac in her new suit.  Well Mickey and Minnie inspired clothes.  She looks scared because that is the look she chose for the day.  She looks so miserable in all these pictures.  I guess she is not ready for her close-up.

2- She is so scared in this picture, but of course it makes me laugh!  I know, I'm terrible!  We are getting ready to light the candles, and she is already freaking out because there are like 9 kids staring at her getting ready to sing.  Birthdays are so tramatic!  Just wait Mac, you'll cry at your 29th too!

3- Eating cake with Grandma, or as she calls her Mani.  She finally looks like she is enjoying herself!

4- See that can of Cheedar Cheese Pringles?  Yeah, that was Mac's favorite gift.  My Aunt Jennie (another one, not the block maker) knows Mac likes chips.  So with her clothes, she slipped in a can of Pringles.  Which had to be opened immediately, and the rest of the gifts were opened by me. 

I didn't even know this picture existed.  But I'm sure glad I found it.  We are reading a card, and we are all concentrating really hard.  These are my babies!  They have my heart!! 

So that's it, and it's about time.  What did you think?  Did you like the cakes and the cupcakes?  How about the blocks?  Well we are right back into party planning mode.  Caitlin's birthday is next month!  Back to Pinterest I go!

Have you met Tranae of Becoming Fabulous?
Check out her blog for all things fab.
Like her opinion on 50 Shades
and some DIY facials!
Becoming Fabulous

The Soundtrack of my Life {Tuesday 10}

Pinned Image
Pinterest source: Cydnee Squire /

I love music.  I'm the girl that has a situation for every song.  My dad taught me my love of music at an early age with The Beatles and Hendrix on vinyl.  I have always loved music, it's stories and feelings.  I also like to sing my favorites at the top of my lungs, but I'm so tone deaf it hurts my ears!!

Today's Tuesday 10 is the soundtrack of our lives.  Now this list would be so long, it would take a hundred blogs, but here are the ones that immediately came into my mind.  No particular order either.

What's My Age Again - Blink 182
Ok, really all Blink 182 songs.  They are truly the soundtrack of my life.  From highschool to college and after.  This song inparticular reminds me of my summer before my last year in college.  A break up I thought would break me, and the night I met my husband.  That's right.  This song reminds me of that crazy, wild summer of boys, booze, and new dreams.

Midnight Train to Georgia - Gladys Knight and the Pips
I have a serious love for this song.  I still to this day don't know why.  I just feel like it's a crazy love song to a man who's leavin', and Glady's ain't having it.  She rather "live in his world, than live without him in mine".  Amen sister!  Plus check the video, the Pips got it going on!  Those dance moves, and look at girlfriends hair!  I'm smitten!

Can't Help Falling in Love - Elvis Presley
This is my first dance song friends.  It was inspired by the movie "Fools Rush In".  And also because no matter what I did, or what John did I could not help falling in love with him.  One of my favorites, and ladies it's the KING!

Burning Down the House - Talking Heads
Yeah, this song reminds me of when we got MTV.  I was little, like kindergarten.  But I can't hear this song and not think about the revolutionary idea that was MTV.  Because at five I wanted Hello Kitty, Strawberry Shortcake, and my MTV.

Cameage - The Descendents
You may not know who they are, but this song got me through a break up a time or two.  It's a love song, hidden in some punk rock.  The Descendents define my last year in high school.  I can't hear these songs without thinking of my friends, trips to Santa Cruz, and some punk concerts on school nights. 

Tiny Dancer - Elton John
When I was preggo with Caitlin, before we knew she was a girl, I heard this song and just knew.  I knew with all my heart that I would be having my own "tiny dancer".  I'm sure there is a seedy dark side to this song, but not when I hear it.  I smile and sing it loud, because I have my own tiny dancer!!

I am the Walrus - The Beatles
My favorite Beatles song.  Period.  At my wedding I danced with my dad to "All You Need Is Love", because you can't really dance to I am the Walrus.

Big Girls Don't Cry - Fergie
I wrote a whole post about this one.  This is the song that I sang everyday for a year, in my head.  The song is really about crystal meth, but to me it told my story of how my stuggle through motherhood was about me and not my baby.  The song lives out, what I knew I would never do.  But I thougth about it.  Because in the end it had nothing to do with her, and everything to do with me.

She - Green Day
The first time I felt like a band wrote a song just for me.  To say that the 16 year old in me identified with this song is a vicious understatement.  Green Day was the first of many bands to write songs just for me and my crazy adolescence.  And I thank them every day for it.

Without You - Glee's Rachel Berry's version
Hear me out.  Rachel Berry can sing a ballad like no other.  This is the great love song of my life.  This song is my marriage set to music.  "I won't run, I won't fly, I won't make ever make it by without you".  The entire song is about someone who can't be who they are, won't be their completed self without the other person.  No matter the mood, the fight, the issue, this is how I feel about John.  Set to music.

So that's just a taste of the soundtrack of my life.  I'm thinking I could also write this post by band.  Like the soundtrack of my life Blink 182 or the soundtrack of my life Red Hot Chili Peppers!  What did you think?  Any surprises?  What are the songs on your soundtrack?

Linking up with my favorite!
Tuesday 10
join the fun!!

Let's do this! {New info for Sponsors}

We went on a super fun road trip over the weekend. 
Seeing my family in Salinas was a blast,
and I was pleasantly surprised that the
kiddos did so well in the car. 

Thanks to the DVD player, Rio, Yo Gabba Gabba,
Wow Wow Wubzy, Cheetos, and a cherry Icee.

Whatever it takes to keep them quiet and happy, right?
So here are some doozies of Mac,
yes that's a pacifier,
no I'm not taking it any time soon.

I'm sure the "good mother" police are going to knock on my door.
However the "good mother" police don't have to
live with her and her screaming fits.
Unless they want to take her home. 
Negotiable.  Kidding.  Kind of.

Anyway, I'm slowing getting back to the routine.
I have some guest posts to write.
I have some posts of my own waiting in the wings.
And I have some new Ad info just for you.

Next month we are changing it up around here. 
I'm adding some medium space, if anyone is interested.
And I'm making my sponsors a bigger priority!
Because they are paying and all,
and I want them to feel they
are getting what they expect.
This month was my first time actually charging for space,
and I learned a few things.
So there are little changes to how the sponsorships work.
And I'm still inviting lots of SWAPS,
because if it wasn't for swap space,
many of us wouldn't know each other.

All of this info can be found on my Sponsor Page,
but I'd like to highlight it here.

What are you doing on this fine Monday?
I'm here at my PC, the kiddos are playing at Aunt Jenny's,
and I'm tackling emails and the blog.
And I'm having lunch at my desk.
I haven't had lunch at a desk or worked through lunch in years.
I feel so professional!


We're Back... {HelloCotton Hop}

We are back!!
After a brief hiatus,
and I are back with another awesome Hellocotton LinkUp!

If you've hopped with us before then you know the drill.
If not here is some info to fill you in on Hello Cotton:

Hellocotton allows you to follow for free the most talented women
bloggers out there. It is the easiest way to discover the latest on
trends and to take on a daily dose of inspiration. Hellocotton also
allows you to comment, vote and share it all with your friends.
Hellocotton brings together all inspiring blogs of the moment. All you
friends (people you follow) messages and articles are uploaded in real
time to your homepage. This way, you don't miss a thing. Scroll the
"Headlines" to make sure you checked out the most popular publications.
Hellocotton is a goldmine, therefore essential.

Create a Hellocotton account, if you haven't already,
then come back  here and link up!

The Rules

1. Follow your hosts
{they are the first 3 in the linky and they WILL return the favor!}

2. Follow at least 3 new blogs via Hellocotton
{or more!! and don't be shy, introducing yourself is a wonderful way to make new friends!}

3. Spread the word!
{the more the merrier!  grab the button & add it to your blog, tweet or Facebook about the linkup!  this is not necessary, but would kindly appreciated!!}

That's it!
Have fun!

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Hellocotton!

