Dear Caitlin
I didn't have the heart to tell you that
this face painting was awful.
It was the crappiest job around.
I'm sorry.
But it was only 2 bucks.
When you are older you will know what I mean.
Dear Entertainment Weekly
You are one of my favorites.
This week you didn't let me down.
Degrassi is a secret love of mine.
And Drake will always be #wheelchairJimmy
Dear Mac
Oh sure.
Oh sure.
Look like you are fine.
That you are not running a 101 temp.
Also whatever you do don't pee.
I love to sit in the doctor's office for 3 hours.
Oh, and when you finally pee,
thanks for letting us get the "all clear,
it's just a virus" talk.
Mommy loves you with all her heart.
Dear Donuts with Dad
Thank you for this picture.
That is all.
Dear Friday
That above is why there were no Friday Letters.
It was so much more than that too.
It would take me an entire post to get it out.
I don't want to write it.
So lets just agree it was a disaster.
Dear Pinterest
You never fail me.
Thank you for your humor board.
Also I need this shirt in my life.
I mean, who wouldn't?
Dear Uncle Eric
We have taken to calling you Uncle Dad.
That's right, because you are so awesome.
The kids love you.
And we love you because you hand over
your iPhone to Mac every time.
Plus, you introduced my kids
kids to Steamboat Willie and Pinocchio.
Dear #notestagram
So you're telling me I can now write messages
and witty comments on Instagram.
Like create my own ecards, in a way?
In. Love.
Dear Mac
I'm sorry you are so sick.
You have ran a temperature since Thursday.
The worst being 103 for 3 hours last night.
I hate when you are sick.
Let's hope that your screams at your sister
are a sign that the fever is gone.
It seems, business as usual, let's keep it that way.
Dear Cassie
This was the sweetest card.
Thank you.
And ditto.
Dear Caitlin
How did this happen?
A kindergarten picture.
Where did my baby go?
Dear girls
You guys were too cute watching Pinocchio on #uncledads iPad.
Let's thank him for bringing it over.
Well we all know it was so he and Daddy could
watch the World Series in silence.
But it was nice of him to trust a 5 year old
and a 2 year old with an iPad.
Dear BFF
Thanks for falling in love with baseball.
It's fun to talk about it with you.
I don't even miss talking about Greys or Glee.
This is way more fun!
Dear San Francisco Giants
Great job guys.
The World Series was a blast to watch.
But let's be honest.
The entire month of October was a blast.
I could write an entire post just about you.
And maybe I will, but not today.
Everything I know about baseball I learned from my Dad,
and of course my Aunt Marilyn, both Giants fans.
I was born this way.
So when I met the hubbs, and found out he was a Giant's fan,
I thought 2 things.
One: this guy, no really THIS GUY,
Two: My dad is going to be so happy.
See you on Opening Day.