Sunday Letters, because I was too lazy Friday {Instagram}

Dear Friday,
You happened.
You were once the shining glory of days of the week.
Now you are my longest day ever.
It's fine.
I'm fine.
We're going to be fine.
For who?
Dear Terrible Twos,
I don't have enough words.
Just know this isn't over.
I won't give up.
Dear Tina,
You are my idol.
When I grow up I want to be you.
And with the stellar example you set,
there is still time for all my dreams.
Thanks sassy lady.
Keep bringing it.
Dear Color me Rad,
That paint stuff was fun while it lasted.
I wasn't sure it was going to come clean.
I was even resigned to being the Hulk for Halloween.
Oh, cool, never mind.
Dear Dove soap (white bar),
I will never again question you abilities.
I will never think a body wash is better than you.
You are in fact a classic.

Dear Halloween,
Dear Mac,
This is my favorite thing right now.
You find a pillow, a comfy spot,
and you crash.
The only thing that could make this situation perfect,
is if this happend at 2 pm instead of 5pm.
Dear Kristen,
You are my newest blog crush.
I just read your FAQ page and fell out of my chair.
Yes, I'm now a firm believer that
Suri came out of Tom's va-jay.
Also because I love RR and only picture him as Van Wilder.
Plus your comments kick my ass.
I'm sold and smitten.
Like a 7th grader begging for a signature my yearbook.
Dear Sunday,
Congrats on hosting the "letters" today.
I'm sorry that I've ignored you most weekends,
but sometimes I really need you to work a shift.
Today is one of those days.
Thanks for taking one for the team.
By the way, there may be a change in your schedule.