Hello June. What a big month you are. I'm trying to welcome you with open arms. You see while you bring the end of the school year, swimming weather, and late nights outside, this year you are going to bring some major milestones.
Hello First Grade. We will be ready for you. We are so excited to play on the big play ground. We are excited to see our 2nd grade friends. And we are excited to be considered a "big kid".
Hello Loose Tooth. You took so long to get here. But we are so happy that you brought your friends. Three loose teeth to start. Alert the tooth fairy. She's gonna need to dip into her savings.
Hello Pierced Ears. We are coming for you. We are a little nervous, and Daddy needs a little more convincing. But we know what we want, and we want earrings.
Hello Six. Six years old. Six years of life. Six years of motherhood. Six years of challenges. Six years of bliss. A half dozen of perfectly imperfect blessings. We are ready for you six.
Hello Big Girl. Mommy is so proud of you. You have grown up to be so brave, so independent, so smart. Those early September mornings filled with tears are just a distant memory. Your hand demanding to be held tightly, is only a slight clasp. You long to run free and play with your friends. You are growing up at warp speed, but it can't be helped. I'd say to slow down, but you don't know the meaning.
Hello June, a big month, filled with big plans, big dreams, and big milestones.