Since I missed InstaFriday, I decided to link up with Alli at Life on Leroy for "Life Lately". Here is what I was doing while I stepped away from the blog and stepped into life...
We had a blast on the 4th of July!
It was hot, but we stayed in the pool and kept cool.
(1) Sunglasses always help beat the heat!
(2) So does ice cream even if mom forgot the cones!
What's in your red solo?
(3) A father/daughter moment of pyrotechnics.
Dad's shining moment!
(4) That moment when you figure out what fireworks are all about!!
It was a beautifully hot day, with people we love,
friends who have never wavered, and kids who won't stop growing!
Everything you want in a holiday.
Then we took a little mini vay-cay to the coast.
The Monterey coast that is.
All my Caity girl wanted was a picnic on the beach.
We bought a ridiculously expensive lunch at Whole Foods and parked it at Lover's Point.
More pictures of this day to come, but here is a peek via Instagram.
(1) Building sandcastles
(2) "Let's take a picture"... So romantic!
(3) John dug himself a hole... Don't worry, he dug himself out!
(4) Dad and Mac walking on the wharf.
She's pointing at a very large seagull sitting on the top of a car.
"Look dad-dee"
(5) Our 2nd attempt at a picture... Better.
(6) Mac digging her own hole.
Very precise measuring.
Last week was just what we needed. Time away, to be a family. No agenda, no schedule, just fun, sand, and some cooler temps (65 degrees, holla!). Now it's back to the bloggy, the laundry, the dishes, and 106 degree temps (for reals!). If you need me, I'll be unpacking, maybe. If I just leave the suitcase packed, does that mean we can just leave again on Friday? Wishful thinking!

Linking up with Alli