Earthquakes and Baseball {1989}


Is it the first of November already?
Wow, October just flew by.
You all know the drill.
Link up your favorite memories of 1989.
Want to know what I remember best about 1989?
The Loma Prieta Earthquake.
I was in 6th grade.
The Giants were playing the A's in the World Series.
My dad and I had just settled at home to watch the series.
I was upstairs in our condo, and dad was downstairs.
In that condo, you couldn't shut the door without the whole condo shaking.
That's why I thought my dad had slammed the door.
I thought, "Where is he going? The games gonna start."
Suddenly the TV went blank,
and the real shaking began.

via Google Images
In California they teach you to go under a table or in a doorway at birth.
This idea alluded me now.
I remember my dad yelling for me to come down the stairs.
It was like trying to walk on a rope bridge.
He met me half way and carried me out to the curb.
He sat me there, and said he was going to move our car,
in case the building fell.
Could that even happen?
Then, I swear I will never forget,
the ground started moving again...
and the pavement looked like waves.
My mom was still at work and that day her 15 minute commute took 45.
She said all the tiles in the ceilings in her building fell.
She said all of the lights were out in the entire town.
From our cars, we listened to KNBR for updates.
KNBR was supposed to be calling the World Series.
That day, it gave us the news.
As a result of the 7.1 earthquake, we were out of power for 2 days.
We stayed with my grandparents since they had a generator and a gas oven.
My aunts, uncles, and cousins stayed too.
Being kids, we thought it was fun.
I was and still am a news junkie, so I was glued to the TV.
We watched non-stop coverage.
We saw the collapsed bay bridge.
We the Marina District burn.
We saw a completely destroyed downtown Santa Cruz.

via Google Images

It was crazy.
We slept at Grandma and Grandpas for four days.
Mom was afraid to go home to our two story condo.
When we did, the three of us camped out in the living room.
And wouldn't you know a 5.0 aftershock hit that night.
I remember my dad throwing his arm around both my mom and I.
We just stayed there in a bear hug until the shaking stopped.
I don't think any of us slept soundly for a few months.
Just as life went on, so did the World Series.
The Giants didn't win the series that year.
They wouldn't win until 2010.
They also won this year.
When they won, the eleven year old in me
 thought about the 1989 Earthquake.


Halloween Crafty Biz 2012

While you read this I'm at the Pumpkin Patch with 28 Kindergartners.
Say a prayer for me.
While I'm out, here are some crafty crafts I threw together at the last minute.
I'm notorious for spending tons on craft supplies,
and then not crafting a single thing.
Since Mac was still sickie on Monday, my mom came over.
Saint Linda saved the day.
And allowed me to do a few of my To-do Halloween projects.
Isn't there a "pinned it / made it" link up?
If so, tell me in the comments.
Some of these were Pinterest inspired!!
On my front door.
Don't worry it's not that fancy.
Scrapbook paper.
Glue Gun.
See the original Pin for inspiration.
This is a canvas bag.
Plus paint and stencils.
I know, I'm that mom.
Why don't I just let them use a pillow case?
Well, because none of them are clean!
Also this took like five minutes, promise.
So if I can, so can you!
Hipster Pumpkins.
Seriously, two minutes.
$1 mustaches from Target.
$1 Googly eyes from Michael's.
A little tacky glue.
Halloween, LIKE A SIR!
I did a little something like this last year.
I just took it to another level when I saw this Pin.
btw, this pin gets a "HTTP 403", sorry
It's super easy, and you can get as creative as you want.
Plus, all the materials can be reused for Halloweens to come.
This is Caitlin painting her pumpkin in her undies.
Something about undies and crafting has her heart.
At least she didn't stain her clothes.
And don't forget to check out these guys over here!
I got the inspiration here.
Lena has the full tutorial!
Happy Day before Halloween!
And don't forget to Get 'Yo Craft ON!!! 

Monday Letters {because Friday was a disaster}

Dear Monday,
Hay girl, hay.
Mac is still sick.
Caitlin has a smokers cough.
I've done nothing all weekend.
Thanks for always being consistent.
Dear Caitlin
I didn't have the heart to tell you that
this face painting was awful.
It was the crappiest job around.
I'm sorry.
But it was only 2 bucks.
When you are older you will know what I mean.
Dear Entertainment Weekly
You are one of my favorites.
This week you didn't let me down.
Degrassi is a secret love of mine.
And Drake will always be #wheelchairJimmy
Dear Mac
Oh sure.
Look like you are fine.
That you are not running a 101 temp.
Also whatever you do don't pee.
I love to sit in the doctor's office for 3 hours.
Oh, and when you finally pee,
thanks for letting us get the "all clear,
it's just a virus" talk.
Mommy loves you with all her heart.
Dear Donuts with Dad
Thank you for this picture.
That is all.
Dear Friday
That above is why there were no Friday Letters.
It was so much more than that too.
It would take me an entire post to get it out.
I don't want to write it.
So lets just agree it was a disaster.
Dear Pinterest
You never fail me.
Thank you for your humor board.
Also I need this shirt in my life.
I mean, who wouldn't?
Dear Uncle Eric
We have taken to calling you Uncle Dad.
That's right, because you are so awesome.
The kids love you.
And we love you because you hand over
your iPhone to Mac every time.
Plus, you introduced my kids 
kids to Steamboat Willie and Pinocchio.
Dear #notestagram
So you're telling me I can now write messages
and witty comments on Instagram.
Like create my own ecards, in a way?
In.  Love.
Dear Mac
I'm sorry you are so sick.
You have ran a temperature since Thursday.
The worst being 103 for 3 hours last night.
I hate when you are sick.
Let's hope that your screams at your sister
are a sign that the fever is gone.
It seems, business as usual, let's keep it that way.
Dear Cassie
This was the sweetest card.
Thank you.
And ditto.
Dear Caitlin
How did this happen?
A kindergarten picture.
Where did my baby go?
Dear girls
You guys were too cute watching Pinocchio on #uncledads iPad.
Let's thank him for bringing it over.
Well we all know it was so he and Daddy could
watch the World Series in silence.
But it was nice of him to trust a 5 year old
and a 2 year old with an iPad.
Dear BFF
Thanks for falling in love with baseball.
It's fun to talk about it with you.
I don't even miss talking about Greys or Glee.
This is way more fun!
Dear San Francisco Giants
Great job guys.
The World Series was a blast to watch.
But let's be honest.
The entire month of October was a blast.
I could write an entire post just about you.
And maybe I will, but not today. 
Everything I know about baseball I learned from my Dad,
and of course my Aunt Marilyn, both Giants fans.
I was born this way.
So when I met the hubbs, and found out he was a Giant's fan,
I thought 2 things.
One: this guy, no really THIS GUY,
Two:  My dad is going to be so happy.
See you on Opening Day.
Dear week
Let's.  Do.  This.

It's ok...

It's ok to link up with this awesome blogger today.
It's ok that I couldn't wait to get back into the yoga pants that are
reserved for lounging and kindergarten drop off.
It's ok that I've been procrastinating on a post.
It's ok to not want to do those kinds of posts, but for some reason can't say no.
It's really ok to say no.
It's ok that I've been reading more than blogging.
Great books just slay me!
It's ok that I have Halloween crafts to do.
It's ok that Halloween is next Wednesday and said crafts will most likely not get done.
It's ok that I am praying that the forecast is a liar and it will not be in the 80s next week.
It's ok that I had to force myself to sit down at this computer.
It's ok that I posted to Instagram showing
off my dirty bathroom.
It's ok that I've been quiet on social media as of late.
It's ok that everytime I opened blogger today I read my blog roll instead.
It's ok that I purposely ate late so I could skip my run.
It's ok that I didn't watch any debates.
It's ok that I've known for awhile who I'm voting for.
It's ok to blog in your car...
As long as you are not driving.
It's ok that I'd rather be watching the World Series with the hubbs.
It's ok that by writing this post, I'm hoping not to sit at the computer for another 24 hours.
It's ok to take a timeout at Starbucks.
Even if all you do is sit and stare at the display case.
It's ok to be this tired, this blessed, and this lazy.
It's ok.
Its Ok Thursdays

A Letter from the Editor {selfies}

This is a letter to you all just to clarify a little something I blogged about last week.
I listed some pet peeves last week.
While I don't take them back.
I do feel I need to clarify.
You see, I said one of my pet peeves was self portraits.
And that got some of you talking.
I swear to Starbucks I wasn't talking about you.
My readers are beautiful, don't fish for complements, nor do they duck face.
I should have said my pet peeve was duck face.
Or maybe I should have just said my pet peeve was,
MY self portraits...
I always feel like I'm trying way too hard!
How do you people make this look flawless???
I hate selfies (that's what Lena calls them).
Perhaps I am my own pet peeve.
I feel so awkward doing them.
Once in a while I notice the photo bomber in the back.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
So when I say I hate selfies, I really mean mine.
Because of the awkwardness of actually taking your own picture.
And taking 100 until you get a good one.
"Ain't nobody got time for that!"
So Lena, Colleen, and Jade, you beautiful gals keep up the selfies
and outfit of the day pics.
It's what makes my Instagram feed awesome.
I'll keep taking 100 pictures of myself with my iPhone,
alone, in my living room, while Mac plays.
Sounds ridiculous, but I'm told thats how you reach selfie nirvana...

Want to score some sweet giveaway swag?
Visit my home girl Kristine of The Foley Fam {unedited}
Don't miss out!!

Friday Funnies {Pinterest, your welcome}

It's Friday.
These are funny, in my opinion.
Stong Language / Mature themes
So take a moment and laugh your ass off.
Your welcome.
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Finally, since I've tried so hard not get political this election year,
I'm going to leave you with this.
This is as political as I'm going to get.
I don't care what party you identify with,
if you are woman, this is funny.
Warning: it's crude and crass... I'll take it.

Have a fantastic weekend.
Sit back.
And laugh your ass off.

Thanks random stranger {Mom to Mom}

A few Mondays ago, I was having one of those Mondays.
The kind of Monday with a weekend hangover.
Caitlin has tap and ballet on Mondays afternoons.
And try as I might, I'm never organized to have dinner done before class.
It just doesn't happen.
This Monday was no exception.
On the way to ballet, Mac fell asleep.
Carrying a 25 pound Mac across the parking lot in
100 degree weather was awesome.
Trying to put on and tie Caitlin's tap shoes was equally awesome.
So by the time class was over, I had one hungry Caitlin,
one grumpy because she just woke up Mac,
and one sweaty, stressed out about dinner Mommy.
You know the usual.
On top of it all Caitlin had decided that all she wanted
for dinner was a chicken patty sandwich.
Chicken patty sandwiches are all the rage in the cafeteria.
Did you know?
Since I had no idea what we were having for dinner
I thought chicken patties sounded perfect (microwaveable being a plus plus),
so we stopped at the grocery store.
Random Side note:
The grocery store is like when you give a mouse a cookie, don't you think?
Because if you go to the grocery store, your are going to remember you need milk.
And when you remember you need milk, you are going to remember eggs...
And so on.
So on my quest for the chicken patties, milk, and whatever else,
my kids were running wild in the store.
Wild as in blocking the aisles, trying to eat hostess cupcakes,
and begging for candy .
As we were looking for the "right" french toast sticks,
yes there is a right and wrong in this category,
a nice woman rounded the corner of the freezer cases.
Of course my kids were blocking the aisle.
She politely said "excuse me",
and of course I said something like,
"Move, watch out for the carts, people are shopping".
Then I apologized to her for my wild animals.
She smiled at me and simply said,
"No worries Mom, been there done that".
Thank you random stranger.
I pretty much cried as I cradled the french toast sticks.
It's nice to know that wild kids in the grocery store are a given on
Chicken Patty Sandwich Mondays, in Mommyland.

Six out of Ten {#DoveInspired}

Why do six out of ten girls stop doing what they love?

video via youtube
I remember when I started hating to wear a leotard to dance class.
I remember hating my chubby cheeks.
I remember hating the size of my jeans in sixth grade.
And seventh, and eighth, and my freshman year of college.
I remember counting calories the summer before I was a sophomore in high school.
I remember buying a control top nylons for prom.
I remember knowing that my crush didn't like me
because I wasn't as skinny as his new girlfriend.
I remember being the fat friend, the funny, but fat, friend.
And sometimes it took all I had to stick it out and keep doing what I loved.
No matter how much I hated the mirror image.
But now I'm older, and perhaps wiser.
And I can help break this cycle of comparison and hate.
In the video above I see beautiful girls,
and sadly I'm sure one day all they will see are their flaws.
As a mother, I want my girls to live, for every moment, every experience;
and be to blind to the numbers on the scale or on a waist band.
As a friend I want us all to see ourselves as who we are today.
Mothers, sisters, friends, daughters; smart and strong, beautifully built.
We are not the sum of our sizes.
Numbers should not define us.
Once we were six out of ten.
Now we are one of a kind.
This post was sponsored by Dove.
Be #DoveInspired
on Twitter or on Facebook.
It only takes a click.

You should know... {Pet Peeves Edition}

Thanks for reading my blog today.
If you are new here, then congrats, you are in for a treat.
I'm sharing some things that have pissed me off lately.
Let's call them pet peeves.
When someone reads my magazine before me.
I don't do this to others.
Magazines are sacred.
Self portraits.
Self indulgent much?
I'm one of the offenders.
I hate myself for posting.
Cats that puke all over the house when the Hubbs is at work.
Mean girls, aged 6.
Yeah, you are so cool in your tutu and bun.
But you've hit your peak,
or you will.
Would you like a package of bottled blonde now, or in 10 years?
This is more of an overall hate.
You steal some of the best people on earth.
Hard boiled eggs that won't peel.
People that will tell me how to boil an egg correctly in the comments.
This is your warning.
Political Debates that push my favorite shows.
Greys Anatomy and Scandal would have been much more entertaining.
The political comments that will follow the above.
Passive aggressive statuses on Facebook.
I get it you are mad, and I'm pretty sure the person you directed
your status at knows too.
I'm not the only one with some pet peeves.
Meet Jennifer from My Not So Glamorous Life!
My {Not So} Glamorous Life
"Real Life, Real Kids, Real Messes, Real Mommy. REAL LOVE.That's My Not So Glamorous Life! "
Pet Peeves. We all have them. Those terrible little nuances that just simply drive us batty.
Today I will share mine with you. In no particular order, here are ten of my biggest pet peeves:
~Open Cabinet/Cupboard doors. (Seriously, is it that hard to shut it?!)
~Chewing gum loudly. Enough said.
~Rude customer service. I try to be kind and cheerful as a customer, and I expect it in return.
~Lack of good planning. Yes, we all do it sometimes. I'm certainly guilty of it. But there are those among us who make it routine to just wing it. Which would be fine and dandy, if they didn't make others pick up the slack. Not cool.
~Excessive channel surfing (I'm looking at my husband on this one...)
~The word "retard". Not okay.
~Being late. (Especially when I'm the one who's not on time. Ugh, I could just kick myself!)
~Toilet paper being hung "under" instead of "over".
~People who borrow an item, and return it in poor condition.
~ When someone doesn't RSVP to an event invitation
 Thanks Jennifer!
Be sure to check out her bloggy, and tell her I sent ya!
What's eating you lately?
Share your pet peeves with Lena.
Linking up with my gal Lena!
Did you see her name change?