Dear Mr. Crutchfield {Happy Anniversary}

Dear Mr. Crutchfield,
I regret to inform you that this is a post about you.  In the past I know that you have taken issue with posts of this nature.  My sincerest apologies, however today is our wedding anniversary.  It should be noted, on record, that I thought our Anniversary was Wednesday.  Make no mistake, I do know the actual date of our anniversary, I just counted days wrong.  Much like the the budgets and spending limits you give me, I'm horrible at numbers.  I digress, this is a post dedicated to you, and all of the things I love and well sometimes hate about you.  I knew who you were when I married you, and you knew me.  Granted there are few surprises, the biggest being that you finally said yes.  Happy 8th, which I'm sure to you feels like 80.  It feels like 80 to me too, but I don't mind a bit.  
Enjoy your post and your time in the spotlight.
Your wife

It's so true that from the moment we met there was this strange attraction.  While we may have said we hated each other in the beginning, it's more like we couldn't stand to be apart from the other.  We have never recovered, because there is no single remedy for crazy, stupid, reckless, love.

This is the text book definition of our marriage.  However it's totally true.  Back before we got "together" that one last time, my mom asked me if I could really live with out you.  I told her it wasn't possible.  So she told me to cut the shit and just accept you for who you are.  She's a smart lady.  But you also had to accept me for me.  There are times, days, even months when I think, I just might have to cut you, but then I'd be sad.  I don't want to do this life without you.  And let's face it, you with out me?  It just wouldn't work.

I am crazy.  I admit that.  I also jump to conclusions.  I know that I'm not the easiest person to live with.  Just remember you are at times not cake walk either.  We do however compliment each other in the crazy.  It just sucks when we go crazy together.  But when we are crazy stupid and watching Beerfest together, or videos on YouTube, it's a little piece of heaven

Sometimes when we are having one of our "moments", I really wish this was on a tshirt.  In my size.  Not yours.  I still can't look at this ecard without laughing.  It reminds me of you so much!  There have been rare, very rare moments when you have been right.  But who's counting?

We made a third person and a fourth.  I always knew you would be a great dad. You probably don't remember but one night when we were semi-dating, we went to John's New England with some of your pledges on Wednesday night for beers and karaoke.  There was a family there with a little guy, probably about five.  He was trying to play some video game while standing on a chair, and you went over and helped him out.  Next thing I knew, you two were hi-fiving, and I was in love.  In a really stupid way, because I knew right then that I wanted to have your babies.  So a few years later I did.

You are sometimes.  But so am I.  So in a way we balance each other out.  
It doesn't really matter because I love you anyway.  Plus some of my favorite stories start with you being an a-hole to someone else.  You have this way of being an a-hole and being hilarious at the same time.  It's like a gift.  Which keeps on giving whether we like it or not.

Since these are the only cards you are going to get today, Happy Anniversary.  Eight years married.  Together since, well it's debatable.  But it's been almost 13 years since we met, and we all know it was down hill from there.  When I really think about it I think that we are incredibly lucky that we have the love that we have.  We scream, we yell, we laugh, we love.  There are always more good days than bad.  Arguments can be halted by a joke.  But we have always put in the work.  From the very beginning.  It has never been easy.  If it was, we wouldn't have any fun.  I love you for a million reasons, but the main reason is because you are you.  And I love you.  I love your laugh, your jokes, your occasional OCD-ness.  It would seem that after eight years things would be boring and mundane.  But as always with you, it's just as entertaining as it was the first time we met.

Which just to clarify, you were the one being a dick.