
I blinked over Thanksgiving weekend and it's Christmas... Well almost.  We seriously got into the holiday season around here thanks to Caitlin.  She insisted on getting a tree on Sunday.  Like all day until we finally agreed after dinner.  Is it too early?  Maybe.  It wasn't even December yet.  Let's just hope it doesn't turn into needles before Christmas.

This is the DIY advent calendar I made.  Let me type this again.  I made this, on my computer, with very little difficulty.  Sure it's just computer paper.  I could have slaved away on something more fancy.  I could have made any one of the millions of advents on Pinterest... But this is what Caitlin wanted.  Curious George has one like this that the man in the yellow hat made him.  She asked me last Saturday night while watching the movie if I could make her one... I said I think I can actually do that.  So done.  Now just to circle, x out, or star... That is the question.

Our tree.  That Caitlin picked out at the lot.  All on her own.  She even started to whine when I picked out one myself.  John and I looked at each other like "Seriously", but indeed she was super serious about picking out the tree.  Not bad for a four year old right?  She got this from my mother.  This gift for all things Christmas Tree.  I love a tree with just lights, but then love it all over again with the ornaments we have been collecting for years.

This is what happens when mom is blogging and dinner should be cooking.  This is what happens when your toddler goes exploring in the pantry and brings you a bag or microwave popcorn.  This is exactly what happens when your four year old exclaims "We can do it like the movies!".  So yes, sisters only Christmas Movie Night, with popcorn and apple juice (no seriously it was apple juice, by request!) and the Curious George Christmas movie... AGAIN.

So just like that.  In an insta moment the holiday season began.

Happy Blogging,

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