My kind of book.
It's got southern charm, hot special agents, aging mobsters,
spicy romance,
and lots and lots of butter.
It was funny, fast paced, and delicious.
If you like your heriones with a little dash of crazy,
this book is for you.
Judy Blume
Judy Blume can really do no wrong.
This is a book I read years ago,
and found it again at a used bookstore.
It's an awesome YA novel, set in the late 70s early 80s,
about grief, being a teenager, and New Mexico.
It's a beautful book, that has been made into a movie.
Awesome YA.
Elin Hilderbrand.
This is a book I bought at Costco for $5.99,
thinking that if it was just a disposable summer read, so be it.
It wasn't.
I was not prepared for the story it brought to life.
Another book about greif and loss,
but also about the wide net that greif casts,
catching everyone in it's path.
I loved it, and could not put it down.
Then totally missed all the characters when I did.
You can tell from my posts that I love me some TrueBlood.
I also love the books.
I was unsure about this book, since the previous had been ho-hum.
After 12 books in a series the story can get diluted.
Too many characters, not enough story.
I was pleasently surprised.
This one delivered like no other.
And set up what I think is going to be a new journey for Miss Sookie.
If you are interested, please start at the beginning.
Or at least read the 4th book Dead to The World.
This series is lusty, lethal, and sometimes bites you back.
So what do you think?
Do any of these sound interesting?
Leave your own recommendations in the comments.
I'm ALWAYS looking for new books to read.