Imagine being able to go back.
Back to when you thought you had it all figured out.
When the world was your oyster.
The point in time where you were no longer a "young" adult, but an actual adult.
Paying Bills.
With no summers off.
What would you say to that person?
That person who is now ten years older, somewhat wiser, but still a work in progress.
I have a few ideas.
In 10 years, none of this will matter.
Not the booze.
Not the cigarettes.
Not the "friends" at work.
That nasty boss of yours?
She's pretty tame to the one you will have four years from now.
Be ready.
In 10 years your friendships will change.
Some for the better.
Some for the worst.
You will hurt, and they will be hurt.
Just try to take it in stride.
Right now, you think you know exactly what you want.
Exactly who you want to be.
Exactly who you want to become.
Get ready to have that notion rocked.
In 10 years this back and forth dating with this guy will be laughable.
No, it will seriously be dinner conversation among friends,
and everyone including you will be laughing.
It will seem so silly and unimportant.
The most important thing will be that he finally agreed to marry you.
Someday soon, you will be in Target and witness a toddler of terror.
You will roll your eyes and give their mother a death stare.
Watch yourself.
10 years later you will pay an obscene amount of money for a toy
that will enable you to buy toilet paper and tampons in silence.
No, this isn't a joke.
In 10 years you will no longer care about those 10 extra pounds.
You will leave the house without make up.
You will grocery shop un-showered and in last nights pajamas.
And, it won't bother you one bit.
In 10 years you will know that marriage is a job.
That there is a serious level of work that goes into it being successful.
Right now it seems so romantic and very much like a fairytale.
You have to build your happily ever after.
It's totally worth it.
In 10 years you will have come back from the brink.
The hardest job you never wanted will now be your first choice.
Everything has been challenged.
Your thinking.
Your beliefs.
Your self worth.
But in the end something magical happens.
They call you mom.
In 10 years you finally do something you really want.
For yourself.
For others, at times.
You realize you have a story to tell.
And you will.
But, don't start earlier, because you aren't ready.
And even though you feel like you squandered time,
you didn't.
It takes time to get here.
In 10 years you will be living a life you didn't know you wanted.
You never set out to be these things.
You didn't know if it was possible.
I'm here to tell you it is.
You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but your best is yet to come.
Have fun being 24.
Smoke (occasionally).
Enjoy it.
Although, you won't miss your 24 year old life one bit.