I'd invite you over for coffee, but I'm too embarrassed right now.
As we "speak" there is a load of laundry in the washer that has gone forgotten since Wednesday.
I know what you are thinking, but seriously,
I only remember it when I'm doing something else important.
Like blogging... Or eating, or lying in bed going to sleep,
and the laundry room seems like it's half way across the country.
So it's going to stay there.
The toys on the floor too.
So watch your step if you dare come over and have coffee,
that you will have to make, since I'm not sure how to use the coffee maker.
How about some tea?
I have a kettle.
Super Domestic Diva right?
If we were really having coffee, or tea, or wine,
I'd tell you that I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into.
Officially, I'm a co-room mother.
What does that even mean?
I'm also volunteering 2 days a week in class, and one day a week at lunch.
And yet, the topic of me getting a "real" job continues to come up.
Thoughts on that later, like way later.
I'd tell you life has been so busy.
Late nights and early mornings are now the norm.
A restless child on Monday night kept me up way past one in the morning.
My six thirty call time is doing nothing for me.
So Thursday I checked out a little.
I've got a new book I'm reading, it's fabulous.
Call the Midwife is a look at midwifery in post WWII England.
It's now a PBS series as well, so I can't wait for that!
But the book now has me in it's clutches, like most books do.
I'd tell you that I also had to play "Sophie's Choice" on Thursday.
Grey's Anatomy and Glee are now on Thursdays at the same time.
Why would the pop culture Gods do such a thing?
Greys was watched live, although I was dumb enough to check twitter at 7 pm PST.
It's cool, it was still a great episode.
And I DVR'd Glee, then watched it later.
But the choice at who made DVR standard was tough.
I'd also ask you if you watch How I Met your Mother on Monday nights.
And if you said yes, then I'd ask you if you cried when you saw the yellow umbrella.
Because I did.
Then I'd confess that instead of pushing and pressuring myself to post a blog,
I did nothing.
I read my new book all through the day when the kiddos were playing.
I put away loads and stacks of piled up clean clothes,
but only because I couldn't find clean underwear.
I knew it was under that pile.
I hand wrote this entire post in a notebook, while Caitlin did homework.
I even wrote it in cursive, just to practice.
With some effort the kiddos were in bed by 8:45 so I could watch some EPIC TV.
Which I did.
In the best seat in the house.
In the quiet.
Because sometimes doing nothing, is actually doing something.
How was your week?
Linking up here.

PS: Bloggy Notes
There will be a Hello Cotton Hop that goes live late Sunday! Yay!
Dirty Secret Saturday is on hold until after the New Year... But feel free to confess anyway.
Many September Ads expire tomorrow, Features are five bucks, Mediums are four, and swaps are always FREE!