Some of my favorite moments are grocery shopping early in the morning with this girl.
I'm gonna miss that as I return to work this week.
Sometimes what seems like chore is actually a blessing.
This stuff is delicious. Blissfully so.
Perhaps it's the fact that I've been sworn off anything sinful for a year.
Or maybe it's just that good.
PS: I bought it at Whole Foods.
If you follow me on Instagram and Twitter then you know that I've been obsessing about this blogging conference for almost a month. Add to that that two of my favorite bloggers are going to be speakers. Add to that that a handful of my favorite bloggers are hosting. There are like SIX tickets left. That's why I set 2 alarms, 2 reminders, and had 2 post its up in my house.
Last week I hung out with some old friends.
Friends that don't really jive when you are shuttling kids around.
I got a small moment alone to revisit old memories.
Music makes my world go round.
Paleo pancakes save breakfast for me.
Because you get tired of the same old eggs and fruit day in and day out.
Not pictured... The pumpkin that makes these pancakes delish!
So I've been talking the talk for close to two years.
Last week I finally put pen to paper (er, fingers to the keys) and started my book.
I started with Chapter Three, because Chapter One seemed scary.
It might be crap, it may never be published.
But at least I wrote something.
Sometimes the best thing about Twitter is that you can connect with your literary heroes.
Kyra Davis is one of those heroes.
Take a moment and meet Sophie Katz.
You won't regret it.
As a side note, how freaking awesome is this re-tweet????