Being a mom is awesome when your kids are getting along.
Even if it's just for a few minutes.
Case in point, just moments after this picture was uploaded to Instagram,
they fought over boundary lines of the chair.
Sister love that was short lived.
Being a mom is great when your kid will try new food.
Like Mac eating spaghetti squash.
Smiles included.
Being a mom is great when your kid falls asleep in the car.
Easy nap time.
Then again being a mom is tough when said kid wakes up when ejected from seat.
Being a mom sucks when your kid is sick.
Like a fever that won't go away.
Being a mom is great when sick kiddos color and smile anyway.
And have amazing bed head.
Being a mom, or being a parent is best when your kid makes you
answer the "remote" phone.
Because she is calling you and it's important.
Being a mom is awesome when your spouse asks your kid if she
"needs more cowbell" for her fever!