Letting my kids ride the germ infested vehicles at the mall.
Forcing the Hubbs to take selfies.
Making your own game day shirts, even if it means
stealing a sequin bulldog from your daughter.
Letting your kid destroy your cabinets so you can blog.
Even if it chaps your ass that you have to rewash every single thing.
Big bows and sunnies.
Early morning photos even if one kids hates you for it.
Chucks with princess dresses. Forever.
Being that Mom at the restaurant.
As long as the kids stay quiet.
More game day selfies to prove its date night.
Cutting my own bangs with a razor, as directed in Redbook.
Yes, a razor you use to shave!
Being Cheer-tastic from the get go!
Playing Where's Caitlin at Toys R Us.
Letting Mac eat powdered donuts for breakfast.
Even though I know that they are covered in crack.
They have to be.
Posting selfies and realizing it takes work to get the right filter
and the right angle to hide your mustache and old lady neck.
Ahh, selfies after 30.
Side buns.
Because why not?
Waxing despite the hot lava situation.
Old Lady magazine day.
I don't even miss Glamour.
Crafting for a cause.
Especially when it involves buttons and fabric like this.
I believe in Thursday nights filled with Fast Food and TV,
because Friday can't come quick enough.
I believe in Friday night football games.
I believe in weekends spent in PJs, spent in the driveway, spent eating ice cream.
I believe in messy, imperfect and happiness.