Birthday Party Moms {WIWW}

Mustard Cardi: Target
Stripe Tank: Kohl's
Jeans: American Eagle
Toms: SBI Fresno
Necklace: Jewel Kade
Rings: Wedding Ring/Pearl Ring: Silpada

I had another opportunity to get "dressed" again last week. 

Caitlin was invited to a classmates birthday.  So the four of us went as a family.  Let me tell you in advance that the birthday boy's mom invited the entire class.  Both a.m. and p.m. kiddos.  It was a little crazy, but it was really fun. 

Here is what I loved about it.  This birthday party mama was a take charge kind of gal.  She didn't let anything or anyone stand in her way of getting our party on.  And she wasn't afraid to raise her voice.  As in, if your kid wasn't behaving properly she let them know, in the nicest way possible, of course, but she let them know. 

Now believe me, I do not tolerate someone else yelling at my kid, but if my child or children are out of control, I can appreciate something being said.  This mama was totally on her game, and wasn't scary or hurtful.  She was just "in charge". 

I have a soft place in my heart for her.  I had to do this once with a three year old and a whistle.  It left me embarrassed and horrified that I had actually yelled at some one's kid.  Has that ever happened to you at one of your kiddo's parties?  Did you have to "take charge" of a kiddo situation?

It also brought up another point that me and another mom were laughing about. 

Isn't your child's birthday party the most stressful day of your life? 

It's like your getting married all over again.  It's usually the day me and the hubbs fight about things like ice and butter cream frosting.  Things that mean nothing out of context, but on birthday party day mean everything.  That's what also had me giggling at this party.  The birthday party mom and dad, were doing the usual Husband and Wife routine.  She didn't like the placement of the balloons, he didn't like the placement of the bounce house, and someone overstuffed the pinata.  Laughable now, but to them, on that day, it was huge.

So how did I do?  Did I make good on another WIW?  Do you think I needed a belt?  Let me know because this was so comfy, it will be worn again.

Happy Blogging,

PS: Don't forget!  It's Leap Day!! 
What are you doing with your extra day?
For some ideas, Click here!

10 Things to do Tomorrow {Leap Year}

Pinned Image
courtesy of Pinterest/
So tomorrow is February 29th.  A day that only comes once every 4 years.  A whole day to make a difference, to be inspired, to love, and be loved.  How exciting right?  It may be foggy here in Fresno today, but the idea that I get one more day this year, to kiss on Mac's face and giggle with my Caity girl, makes me really happy.  When I think about life, and all of the things that can happen in a day or a year, one more day in 2012 is a blessing. 

Let's celebrate our extra day of 2012?  Need some inspiration?  Here are 10 ideas.

Kiss your favorite people and hug them tight.

Read or start that book you have been setting aside.  Looks like I'll be downloading the Hunger Games.

Call that friend you haven't talked to in a while.  That one who you always comment on their Facebook, but don't really talk to.  Call them. 

In the spirit of the Pass it Forward project, be kind.  Do one random act of kindness.

Bake something.  Anything.  And let your kiddos help. 

Remind your husband that you love him.  It's an extra day for him to hear it.

Discover something new.  New song, new show, new foods.  Go out on a limb today.

Take a walk, a run, a yoga class.  Anything to get your heart pumping.
Watch the movie Leap Year.  It's amazing and heartbreaking, and such a chick flick, it's worth every minute.  It's about that very ring up there that opened the post.  Historically Leap Year granted a reverse in the rolls, women could propose to men on that one day every 4 years.  That's what the movie Leap Year embraces.  There is something magical and antique about that ring.  Just like the magic and surprise in the move.  "Speak dear, this is Leap Year". 

No matter what you do or how you choose to celebrate, enjoy your extra day of 2012.  We all get one.  Now let's live it, choose February 29th, and celebrate.  Even if it's a private celebration with just a Venti something or another.  Enjoy it.

How will you celebrate your extra day?

Happy Blogging,
Stop by and say hello!

Dirty Secret Saturday {1} Let's be honest about our week

Welcome friends to Dirty Secret Saturday!  I'm so excited to be co-hosting with Lena at Mom 2 Memphis and Ruby and Chrissy at A Little Dash of Diva!  This is a safe place my friends so let out all the secrets you have been keeping.  Tell us some truths about your motherhood.  Let us in on some deets about you!  Good, bad, or otherwise let's have some fun.

Since I skipped my usual InstaFriday post, I'm going to use some of those pictures to give you an honest look at my week.  I used to not be so honest about motherhood.  In the beginning I would outright lie!  Sure my kids are sleeping through the night (after they come and sneak in our bed).  Of course they eat fruits and vegetables (fruit snacks count right?).  They drink out of sippy cups (sweet tea, Dr. Pepper, Coke).  So you can see where I was trying my best to play the part of "Super Mom".  Well it didn't last long.  I made more friends telling it like it is, than trying to be like it "should".  So now, I'm all about letting everyone in on my AbsoluteLife!

This is exactly what happens when you are
blogging instead of making breakfast.
I could hear this little voice saying "He-op" which is Mac for "help".
So after I finished my thought (of course),
I walk into the kitchen to find this.
At least she didn't break herself or her sister's doll bed.

This is what Sunday hair looks like.
Messy, with a side clip so she can see.
Also you can't see in this pic,
but trust me this kids got a snotty nose.
I kept wiping, it kept runny.
Soon she was using her sleeve herself.
Since she had it covered, I went inside to make dinner.

This is my princess at a princess birthday party.
She ate this cupcake.
And the slice of cake we took home too.
This was also the party where there was a 40+ Princess Ariel.
I don't know about you but I like my princesses young and beautiful.
Look, I'm going to be 34, so I know age is just a number.
But like my BF stated, I'm not wearing a tail and a clam shell bra.

So this isn't exactly from this week, but this is a weekly occurrence.
We try to "sleep" train Mac.
To get her to fall asleep on her own.
This is what happens on those nights she doesn't want to.
She is also usually banging on the door.
It's at that time that I'm turning
up the volume so I can hear Glee.
John keeps reminding me that I once said
 crying it out was the worst thing to do to a child.
I keep telling him Mama's got shows to watch.
Plus we do go in soothe when she cries,
but if there are no tears, she can figure it out.

This is me trying to wear something other than a
sweatshirt, Uggs, and jeans.
This is me trying to wear something
that will catch some attention.
So they look at my outfit and not my dirty, greasy, hair.
Greys was on and I didn't want to miss it.
So I skipped a shower.
Priorities people!

Do you guys all know about FebPhotoADay?
Well it's this fun challenge on Instagram.
I'm doing it and Thursday (23) was "where you work".
This is it folks.
My living room where the magic happens.
Actually this is where Nick Jr. happens.
And lots of screaming, fighting sister.
It's also where we eat snacks and ruin our carpet.
And while that laundry basket of clean clothes is no longer there,
the clothes are still not put away.
They are now sitting next to me by our desk,
reminding me that they need to go home.
Which is in Caitlin's room.
But right now that seems to far.

So that's me folks.  That's a little glimpse into our week.  Are there chores I could be doing?  Of course.  There are always chores.  There is always dirty dishes to be loaded.  Clean clothes to be put away.  Toys to be picked up.  Could I cook a nutritious dinner tonight?  Of course.  Will I?  Probably not.  It's Saturday.  So I'm going to do what I do most Saturdays.  Love my kids, laugh with the hubby, and blog/read blogs/enter giveaways and Facebook and Twitter the day away.

What are you doing this Dirty Secret Saturday?

Happy Blogging,

Grab a button and LINK UP!!
Starting Saturday February 25th

MMT Part 4: Diagnosis, Treatment, More DOD

If you are still hanging in there this is part 4 of my Medical Mystery Tour. 
If you'd like to catch up please read parts: ONE, TWO, and THREE.

Hello friends, family and readers.  I've been back for almost a week, and I've been putting this off.  Not because the news is bad (ok a little bad news, but more on that later), but because I knew this post was going to be a long one.  I've been racking my brain trying to shorten it up.  I'm trying to condense this down as much as possible without leaving too much out.

Last Wednesday I had my first appointment with Dr. Rick Peterson at Health Now Medical Clinic.  Let me tell you that this wellness clinic looked like a simple office building from the street, but is pretty legit in it's own right when you walk in.  Everyone was welcoming and helpful.  Offering ideas on where to lunch and shop.  But let's get down to what's important.

Right off the bat, Dr. Rick (as he likes to be called), let us know that he was going to give us all the information we needed to get me better.  That he, and his team, were more than prepared to treat my entire body, and not just my symptoms.  He assured me that he wanted to find the root of the problem just as much as I did, and not just put a bandaid on the situation.
Should I type that again?  Because that's really what he said.

So he gave us some basics into my test results right away.  First of all I am no longer absorbing any B vitamins that I am eating.  My body has stopped absorbing most nutrients as my stomach and intestines are inflamed.  Gross right?  Well, add to that that the B vitamins are what give you energy.  Well, hello fatigue!  He also said that according to my test, my adrenal glands are no longer functioning correctly.  Which means that not only are my hormones out of whack, but I'm not even producing enough cortisol to have a functioning adrenals.  While my iron is at an acceptable level, my ferritin is not.  Which means I'm not anemic, but I'm not really absorbing iron properly either.  Let's add to that by stating that my C-Reactive Protien (cardiac) is at 6 times the average level.  That means that my arteries are not only strained, but also inflamed, at a very high level.  If I were obese or overweight I could be at a very large risk for a list of cardiac/heart problems.  This would also be a good time to mention my parasite.  Her name is yersinia and she is a total beezy.  She's causing me to take antibiotics.  Something I hate to do.  Well, more on her later.

Now let's talk diagnosis and prognosis, since I have your attention.  I'm not dying.  Really.  I'm just sick, or let's say injured.  My immune system, gut, and adrenal system are injured.  They are working triple time to treat common infections and inflamations.  Which is making me feel like crap.  The good news, rather great news is, that it's all treatable.  With antibiotics, supplements, diet, and B12 shots.  Oh did I forget to mention those.  Yes, my hubby, gets to play Dr. McDreamy, and give me B12 shots in the bum, 3 times a week, for at least 12 weeks.  Let me tell you they hurt like I don't even know what!  So while I hate pills and medicine, except for my daily birth control pill, these supplements are the key to my recovery.  So I've gotta find my big girl panties and get set to let some healing begin.

Also I feel like I'd let you all down, if I didn't talk diet.  As in the Diet Of Death.  I'm still on it.  The only thing I've added back is eggs.  That took a long 3 days.  That my friends is a post on it's own.  Any way, I've been advised, until I'm rid of Ms. Beezy Yersenia, I have to stay on the DOD.  I've been 18 days without caffeine and sugar.  It's still tough to drive by Starbucks and not shed a tear. 

Here's the part you are not going to believe.  Seriously are you sitting down?  After receiving all my test results I also received my results for cross reactive antibodies.  That roughly translates to other foods my body is allergic to. 
I tested "out of range", which means way over the index on the following:
Cheese (duh milk)

Here are the borderline foods (almost allergic to/on my way to being allergic to)

You don't have to ask.  I was completely shocked.  Those that are italicized and underlined are GLUTEN FREE.  No joke.  I've been eating gluten free without a care in the world and half of what I'm eating is cross reactive for me.  WOW.  I am currently, and was on that day super bummed about rice.  Rice has been my buddy, my road dog, my hero.  Rice is what saved me on my honeymoon in Hawaii.  Rice is what saved me on that bachelorette trip in San Francisco.  Rice has been saving me for a while.  And now, well now I'm going to have to say goodbye.

Which brings me back to my DOD, or what will now be my actual diet for at least the next 3-4 months.  According to Dr. Rick, going completely and 100% grainless, is going to get me better faster.  So not only will I be staying away from wheat and gluten, but rice, corn, oats, and anything else considered a grain.  For the next 3-4 months.  After that I can be re-tested, and hopefully I can start to re-introduce the non-gluten grains.

I'm going to admit a few things now.  Things I'm not proud of.  I have thrown more than a few fits about this.  Argued with the husband a few times.  Snapped at people who I feel are asking "stupid" questions. 

I've retreated a bit.  I didn't want to call my friends and tell them all this.  I was mad about it.  I was greiving my former diet.  Resisting the change, and implementing my new diet.  I was sad and angry about rice.  I was really ticked that I had to take another antibiotic after having to take a prev pack in August.  What do you mean there is another parasite??  I almost died (huge over exageration here) from the last antibiotic!

Then last night, after talking to the pharmacist again about my Cipro perscription, I cried in the car.  Why am I so upset and pissed off about Cipro?  Who gets angry and pissy about rice?  My diagnosis and treatment could include chemo.  It could be a lot of chemo, or surgery, or hospitalization.  Or even worse "untreatable".  So I have to stop this pitty party.  Put on my big girl panties, and get to work.  


So I did.  I started the Cipro this morning.  And by this afternoon I had tingling hands and feet, which could mean an allergic reaction, so as advised, I stopped it.  I tried.  I'm still on the DOD, and guess what, I found little things that make me happy.  Like 100% organic sugar free all natural fruit rope.  Sounds delicious right?  Well to me it tastes like candy.  To me it's a little victory.  To me it's pushing me down this road to recovery.

Thanks if you are still with me!  Thanks if you've made it to the end!  If you have any questions leave them in the comments.  If you'd like to know more shoot me an email!

Thank you for all your prayers.  They worked.  They got me here, and they will get me well.

Happy Blogging,

WIWW: Vday and more!

Would you believe that I got "dressed" twice last week.  Yeah, seriously, twice.  So what was the occasion? 

Well first off Valentine's day.  I had a preschool party to rock, and I was convinced not to show up with dirty pony tail, no make up, and yoga pants.  So I dressed up!  My red skinnies are back friends!

Red Skinny Jeans/Target
Black Tank/ closet
Heart tshirt/ Kohl's
Toms/ SBI
Isn't that the cutest tshirt?  I couldn't resist! 
It says love in all kinds of languages, on what looks like label tape. 
It's so comfy too. 
Can't wait to rock it again soon.

 Then I had a Princess birthday party to go to in our neighborhood.   Where the moms have seen  me run to the grocery store in my pjs.  Where the kids have seen me with zero make up daily.  Where I've pretty much gone to the last 4 birthdays for this little girl in jeans and a sweatshirt.  So guess what?  I shopped my closet and put this together.  I didn't even know I had all of this!

Mustard Cardigan/Target
Cap sleeved ruffle shirt/ The Loft
Grey tank underneath/Target
Dark jeggings/Kohl's
Brown boots/ Kohl's
What do you guys think? 
Now that I look at the picture I think I needed a belt. 
Yes belt?  No belt?
And I had to highlight my no fuss, no muss ponytail.
Thanks go to my bangs.
The best part?
The hubby said I looked really nice.
Like stopped what he was doing to comment.

So how did I do friends?  I've decided that wearing something other than jeans and a hoodie isn't so hard.  It just takes a little thought.  And some serious closet shopping!

Happy Blogging,

Linking up with these lovely ladies!

What did Angie buy? {Guest Post}

Remember my Sweet Celebration Giveaway?  You know for my first bloggy birthday?  Well if you do then you will remember that I gave away a $20 Forever 21 gift card, with the catch that you had to come back and guest post what you bought.  Well Angie, of Amarie Beauty won, and she's back friends.  Not only did she buy something fantastic with the swag, but she's also styled it for Spring 2012.  She even shows you the splurge vs. the save.  That I love.  We don't have to spend a million to look a million right? 

So let's all give a warm welcom to Angie!
vintage metals & pastels

See those bronze finish sandals for $7.50 up there that are just perfect to wear for this springs trend? I choose those along with some other basic goodies that I needed to stock up on with the gift card I won right here on Absolute Mommy and now I am back to tell you about it!

This spring's colors are pastels and vintage metal tones. Clearly everyone is not comfortable or suited for periwinkle and mint green . It is also unlikely that you will wear a bronze mini skirt to Target toting a couple kids.

Colors and styles that hit the stores are decided at the runway shows and by top designers each season. Much of the style is not exactly wearable in the real world and not all colors look great on everyone, no matter what the popular choice is. All trends aside your own personal style and flattering colors look best on you.

Too get a little fashion in your life and make the current trends work for you pick what you love and work it into your current style.

Both pastel and vintage metals are wearable, likeable colors. Work in a few pastel pieces with your basic subtle colors. If that is too much try it on your manicure. Every single polish designer has a pastel collection coming out for spring. The metals are even easier to incorporate and will carry over for all seasons. Think belts, bags and shoes!

Thank you so much ANGIE!!!
Be sure to check out Angie's blog where she gives great DIY beauty tips and highlights practical style.  Both of which I could use more of in my life. 

Are you excited for Spring 2012 fashion??  What's on your shopping list?  I'm thinking I need those lavender jeans, but I'll be buying mine at Target!

Happy Blogging,
Looking for me today?
I'm over here with Salena at A Little Piece of Me.
You can read about something I really love!

InstaFriday: Coffee Date

Have you ever read Rags To Stitches coffee dates?  How about Nay's over at Cover to Cover and Everything in between?  Well if you have, then you know the drill.  If not check them out.  I've been reading them for the past few weeks and they are so inspiring and personal.  A little look into their life as if you were having coffee with them.  I love it! 

So in that spirit, let's have a coffee date:

If we were going to have a coffee date,
I'd invite you to Starbucks because I don't make coffee. 
I have a machine, but I don't really know how to use it. 
I rarely have ground coffee in the house. 
So to Starbucks we go, my treat.
We'd sit down with your mocha, frappie, whatever, and for me? 
Some herbal tea with honey. 
Yes, still no caffeine. 
And yes, I'd start out by complaining about it. 
Then I'd tell you somethings about my week.

That above is a precious moment.
The hubbs works hard, and misses a lot of breakfasts during the week.
Since we were out of town, he got some more kiddo time.
He's trying to get Mac to eat some eggs.
He's also watching cartoons with them.
A little moment for him and the girls.

I'd tell you that this girl is my cupcake date.
She loves them, but you know that.
She picked at this frosting for awhile.
Love this face.

I'd tell you Caitlin LOVES chocolate.
That this was a disaster!
That the sugar went straight to her head.
That I swear we almost got kicked out of Whole Foods.
I was THAT mom, with THOSE kids.

I'd tell you that this was by far the biggest indulgence in awhile.
Mani/pedi on Valentine's Day.
Those pink glitter nails rocked my Vday.
Plus they are gel so they will stay pretty for a bit.

That's how I feel about Valentine's Day without Chocolate.
Or Starbucks.
That's my face for attending 2 Valentine's Day parties without chocolate.

Then I'd let you know that this is a little piece of heaven for me.
That little all natural/organic/100% fruit rope tastes like candy.
In my mind at least.
Those little fruit ropes are the newest additions to the DOD.
And they make me very happy.

Finally I'd tell you that in the rush and blur that was packing.
To leave for a trip on Vday night.
My hubby surprised me with these.
Pink roses.
On the most romantic, love filled day of the year.
I was so surprised!
They are lovely.
They made my Valentine's Day.

Then I'd tell you a little about my doctors appointments. 
But that would take too long, so I'd tell you, let's talk about it later.
Later, because I want to know what I missed this week in your world.
I'd then tell you, to tell  me about your week.
What did you get for Valentine's Day?
What did you give?

Finally I'd tell you I'm really glad we did this.
That it was just what I needed.
Can we do this again sometime??

Happy Blogging,

Linking up here

And here!

How to eat a cupcake {Tutorial}

Since we are traveling and I'm not near my computer
I thought I'd give you all a little tutorial.
Plus I've been meaning to post these pics since Christmas!
InstaFriday and recaps of my doctors visits to follow.

This post is to show the real way to eat and enjoy a cupcake.  Please note that this is not professional advice. 
Just the opinion of a very cute toddler and her mama. 
Only a cupcake was harmed in the making of this tutorial. 

Make sure to look over the cupcake. 
Quality is important. 
Don't waste time on a sub par cupcake.
Or one with out sprinkles.

Start slow. 
There is time. 
Proper cupcake eating should not be rushed.

Make sure to take time to breathe. 
Enjoy the indulgence.

Laugh at those who are counting your calories. 
Cupcakes are for those who know decadence.

Protect your cupcake. 
Don't let your peers pressure you into
believing that you have met your sugar limit.

Smile and enjoy every savory morsel.

Wear your cupcake/frosting goatee with pride.

Finally squeal in delight!!
 Let the sugar take over your central nervous system.
Enjoy your sugar high!

Who's hungry for a cupcake?

Happy Blogging,

Linking up over here!
Friendly Friday y'all!

WIWW: Hello Sunshine

Friday was beautiful in Fresno.  It was 73 degrees!  In February!  I know, right.  So all morning I debated.  Should I wear my newest outfit?  I bought it when it was super cold, and I was just waiting for a sunny day.  If I break it out now, I'll know if it "works".  So, I did it!  I went out on a limb, and tried YELLOW SKINNY jeans! 

Well, hello sunshine!

Toms/SBI in Fresno
Yellow skinny jeans/Aeropostale
Plaid shirt/Aeropostale
Little helper/Mackenzie

Notice how my jeans are cuffed?  Necessity when you are super short like me, but the "look" is growing on me.  Also my little helpers wouldn't stay out of my shots!  I told them mommy was trying to get her "fashion" on, and they looked at me like I was a super crazy person. 

I ran lots of errands on Friday.  Hit Joanne's and Whole Foods.  Did I mention the beautiful weather?  I even took the kiddos outside to play in the front yard to ride bikes and trikes and stuff.  This isn't my usual routine, but the weather was just begging for it. 

All in all a beautiful day!

I asked the Hubbs what he thought of my yellow skinny jeans.  Bad idea. 
His exact reaction: "You kinda look like an Easter egg".  Nice.

Oh well, I liked it.  I rocked it right?

And if you are wondering, this is possibly my new Easter "dress".  

Happy Blogging,

It's Valentine's Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!  Let's celebrate with my {TEN} favorite things happening on this Valentine's Day!!!  And if you get the chance hop on over to Mom 2 Memphis and Ruby and link up for the Tuesday 10!  That's where I'll be linking up today!

Even though we are going to be on the road Valentine's night, there is always something to be happy and grateful about. 

The things that are cause for celebration on Valentine's Day 2012

COUGAR TOWN!  Words cannot describe my excitement!  Big Joe, Big Carl, Big Kimo?  Truth guns?  Penny CAAAN???  I'm so ready!  I love the cul-de-sac crew! 

GLEE.  The Valentine's day episode.  EPIC.  Will Sam and Mercedes finally get together?  Is Blaine's eye better so he can shimmy and shake?  What will Finn get Rachel for Vday, besides the engagement ring?

This necklace.  MY NECKLACE.  The hubby did it.  He ordered The Saved By Grace necklace from Agape Love Designs and Photography.  I'm so excited.  It's inspired a big blog post about the connection I have to this necklace.

Saved By Grace

A new Vday shirt and my red skinny jeans!  I have a manic love for my red skinnies.  So since Valentine's day is all about red, this day demands red skinny jeans.  What's not to love?  

The sweetest Valentine's Day card from my preschooler.  My first offical "school" valentine.  She brought it home last week.  It's what I've been waiting for.  Technically it's for me and her dad, but really it's mine.  The sweetness and construction paper hearts make my own heart swoon.  Even better today Caitlin's class is having an ice cream party!  Pictures to follow! 

A Valentine's Day mani/pedi.  My mom, who is the best mom ever, is coming over at 8 this morning so I can go after I drop Caitlin off at preschool.  That way I can fit it in before the Preschool Vday Ice Cream Social.  Happy Valentine's Day to ME!!

Elsie's cupcakes from A Beautiful Mess.  The hubby loves the Peanut Butter Monsters!  The kiddos love them too.  I planned on making these before we left on our little vacay, but I ran out of time.  I'm making these for us to enjoy when we get home.  I've got vday cupcake wrappers and sprinkles ready and waiting!  

Still lovin my recent Vday crafts.  I'm so proud of my self that I saw some inspiration through to the end.  I see one million and one things on Pinterest, and most of them just get pinned or liked.  So glad I put in some time and surprisingly very little effort!  That's how we craft around these parts.

Find it here

Find it here

Right now my favorite song is "Without You".  Origninally sung by David Guetta, my favorite version is my Lea Michelle, who is Rachel Berry on Glee.  This song is amazing.  It haunting and beautiful.  It talks about a love so complicated, yet the only answer is each other.  When I think about the lyrics, I think about my husband.  About our journey.  Nothing would ever be the same without him.  My favorite lyric:

I can't win, I can't reign
I will never win this game
Without you, without you
I am lost, I am vain,
I will never be the same
Without you, without you

Hear Lea Michelle sing it here.

Another Valentine's Day, with my hubbs and my kiddos.  I'm lucky in love, if I may say so!  So we are traveling on this day, so what!  We're all together.  That's what matters on any holiday.

What are you loving on this Valentine's Day???

Happy Blogging,

Happy Valentine's Day

Don't forget to join in this fun too!
Hop on over to Made By Munchie's Mamma
Mom 2 Memphis and Ruby