So as dinner time approached, I knew, this day was pretty much toast. Why should I really put in a huge effort for dinner time? Why start being productive now, right? Well of course the answer was pizza, like delivered to my door in 30 minutes or less. Then I had a moment of regret. More money again? Spending money on dinner when I just spent a gazillion at the grocery store. I knew that I must have something in this house resembling pizza. Turns out I did.
Feast your eyes on Biscuit Pizzas.
Ok, so you all probably already make these. There was great debate (internally) about the deliciousness of biscuit pizzas. But then I remembered: bread + cheese = Awesome. How could this not produce a win/win situation? Seriously, what is better than cheese and bread? Ok chocolate. But isn't pizza a vegetable now or something?
Here is the tutorial:
You need
one can of biscuits, some shredded cheese, pizza sauce,
and a rolling pin.
Pop open the biscuit can without having a small heart attack from the anticipation of it popping in your hand.
Biscuit cans and may one day be the death of me.
Roll out the biscuit until its as thin as you like.
Slap on some sauce and some cheese and whatever else fancies your pizza.
Bake according to package. Mine were approx. 11 min
Eat. Enjoy.
Revel in the fact that you are a domestic goddess who makes delicious dinners in less than 20 minutes. Rachel Ray who?
What's more fun than a pj and pizza party in an upside down tent with your sister?
I have no idea!
Happy Blogging,
Linking up with Lena over at Mom2MemphisAndRuby